Sterling Park Amateur Radio Club (SPARC)

2009 Herndon Festival and Race Field Day

A lot of nice photographs from:
  Gordon, NQ4K (High resolution images may be obtained from Gordon, NQ4K, at [email protected].)

Herndon Festival

Setting up the booth at the Herndon Festival. Bud, W4KSN, and Mark, KI4OBT, (looking up) working on vertical antenna.

The vertical antenna with a dipole under it.

Dick, W2YE, (on the left) and Barney, W5BSB, (in yellow shirt), putting up horizontal wire dipole for 20M.

Bud, W4KSN, working on other end of wire dipole.

Dick, W2YE, at HF radio, probably working CW.

Bud, W4KSN, (seated, working the VHF radio) and Mark, KI4OBT, at the radio table.

Mark, KI4OBT, Bud, W4RSN, (workign the VHF radio) and Craig, KJ4GZY, (operating the HF radio on SSB) at the radio table.

Mark, KI4OBT, Bud, W4RSN, Dick, W2YE, and Craig, KJ4GZY, (operating the HF radio on SSB) at the radio table.

Craig, KJ4GZY, (operating the HF radio on SSB) at the radio table.

Mark, KI4OBT, and Bud, W4KSN, at the radio table.

Bud, W4KSN, (seated on left), Eric, AJ4LN, (standing) and Craig, KJ4GZY, at the VHF station.

The volunteer thank you banner at the Town Hall.
Herndon Festival 10K and 5K Race Radio Support

Putting up the vertical antenna at the race finish line. From left to right, Barney, W5BSB, Red,N3TG, (with back to viewer), Bud, W4KSN, and Craig, KJ4GZY.

Barney, W5BSB

Bill, WF1L.

Chuck, KI4IEO.

Bud, W4KSN.

Mark, KI4OBT.

Craig, KJ4GZY

Red, N3TG.

Henry, K2BFY.

Dick, W2YE.

Adrienne, K3MAF


Adrienne, K3MAF, and Red, N3TG, at the radio control point at the finish line.

Tony, KI4CTU

Getting near the end of the race, but not quite time to pack up and go home. Adrienne, K3MAF, and Red, N3TG, Bud, W4KSN, and Craig, KJ4GZY.

Made on 7 Jun 09