Hamilton County Amateur Radio Club
Adirondack Mountains ~ Hamilton County, New York
Speculator Repeater 147.165 + no pl
Blue Mountain (Hamilton County RACES) Repeaters 147.075 + pl 71.9 ; 442.750 + pl 103.3
Gore Mountain (Warren County) Repeaters 147.120+ PL 123.0;
442.250+ CC1 DMR; 144.390 APRS Digi
If you are interested in getting your Amateur Radio license,
please contact any club member. We are here to help!
Everyone is invited to meetings and events. No license needed. Come see what
ham radio is all about.
Meetings are 7 PM the third Monday of the month except December at the Lake Pleasant Fire Hall. | |
ARES/RACES Net is 8:00 PM Mondays except club meeting nights, on the Oak Mountain and Blue Mountain repeaters. All licensed operators encouraged to check in. Please contact ARES EC Chris Seaman KD2GUD or RACES RO Peter Newell KC2WI for more information. Net Script | |
The North Country Group meets 8:00 Sunday mornings on 3.958 | |
2024 | |
May 18 | TIRC Hamfest @ Depauville FD Thousands Islands Repeater Club 8AM~12PM |
Sat June 8 | Communications for the Black Fly Challenge mountain bike race through the Moose River Plains. Up to 1000 participants! OPERATORS NEEDED. Contact Tom N1YR or Dennis N2LBT. |
June 8-10 | ARRL June VHF QSO Party Perfect opportunity for some Adirondack mountaintop operation. |
Tue July 2 | ARES event: 6:15 PM NNY Hospital and Emergency Net on the Whiteface repeater. |
Sat. August 10 | Third Annual Southern Adirondack "Junk In the Trunk" |
Sat. October 5 | ARES Event: ARRL Simulated Emergency Test. See NNY Section Emergency Communications page for more information.. |
Tue. October 8 | ARES event: 6:15 PM NNY Hospital and Emergency Net on the Whiteface repeater. |
Sat October 15 | New York QSO Party 10 AM-10 PM. Let's get ALL NNY counties on the air for this. |
TBD based on interest | Amateur Radio Demonstration If you would like a hands-on demonstration, either individually or for your group, please contact Peter Newell KC2WI. Amateur Radio is a fascinating and educational hobby, a super STEM learningactivity, the original 'social networking' technology, and a valuable communcations resource in emergency situations when other systems are inoperable or overloaded. |
December | No monthly meeting in December. Merry Christmas! |
The club was organized in May of 2002 as the Speculator Amateur Radio Club (SpARC) to support the local repeater, provide emergency and public service communications, generate interest in amateur radio, and afford amateur radio operators and those interested in radio as a hobby an opportunity to meet socially.
In November 2012, we voted to change our name to the Hamilton County Amateur Radio Club. Our goal is to provide emergency communications throughout all of Hamilton County if needed.
The ARES/RACES emergency commuicators group continues to work with county agencies to build volunteer emergency communications capabilities. If you are a ham, we need your participation. Please contact NNY ARES Section Emergency Coordinater Peter Newell KC2WI.
If you live or spend any time in the area, we encourage you to join our club. Repeater dues are $8/year and club dues are $2/year. Dues are due in July.
If you are interested in getting your Amateur Radio license, we can help.
Meetings are held at the Lake Pleasant Fire Hall 7:00 PM on the third Monday of each month, except December. All hams and non-hams welcome. Please contact us for details.
Hamilton County ARES holds a net every Monday night at 8:00 PM (except club meeting nights) on the Speculator repeater (147.165+) followed by a call on the Blue Mountain (Hamilton County RACES) repeater (147.075+ pl 71.9). All licensed operators encourage to check in. We are in need of Net Control and Alternate Net Control stations. If you do not hear a net control station after a couple of minutes, YOU are encouraged to become net control. net preamble More information on Hamilton County ARES is available on the Hamilton County page of the NNY Section website.
The primary repeater used by Albany National Weather Service SKYWARN is the 147.375+ (100) KA2QYE machine in the Helderbergs southwest of Albany. Alternate is Gore Mountain.
All donations appreciated to help with the cost of repeater operation and maintenance.
If you are interested in getting your Amateur Radio license, please contact us or come to a club meeting.
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Adirondacks Speculator Region Chamber of Commerce
Web site created and maintained by Pete Newell KC2WI Affordable Technical Solutions.