Kjell Rasmusson

Active Ham Radio operator since 1950

Kjell Rasmusson, QRV on 144 MHz EME since 1968.
"My very first EME-experiments started back in 1968 working K6MYC and ZL1AZR. Signals were very weak but readable. The 1968 style rig was all homebrew putting out some 1300 Watts to 160 element phased array. The antenna was designed by my self and Yngve Persson SM7BCX. Receiver was an old Collins 75A2 with AF239 germanium transistor converter. State of the art in those days" 

"As far as I remeber K6MYC was using about 700 watts output and 160 elements collinear antenna" 

"This is my old homebrew 144 MHz transmitter together with Drake R4B receiver. Built 1967.





50 MHz: 8 x 9-elemets M2-antennas with 7 m (21 feet) spacing. Using 70 ohm phasing cables and 2" Heliax feeder. Lowest antenna 6 meter (18 feet) up. Horisontal boom 21 (63 feet) meter.

144 MHz: 8 x 20 element LBX-antennas with 4.2 m (13 feet) spacing. Using 5/8" phasing cables and 7/8" Heliax feeder. Low noise pre-amplifier with MGF1801.

Antenna system for 50 MHz and 144 MHz.


3-element Tri-bander for 14, 21 and 28 MHz. 

9-element M2-antenna 25 m (75 feet) up.

Dipoles  for WARC-frequencies. 20 m (60 feet) up.

Sloopers for 1.8 and 3.5 MHz.


Antennas for 14, 21, 28 and 50 MHz.

The Radio Room

DXCC on all bands from 
1.8 MHz - 144 MHz.

Some activities on 432 and 1296 MHz 
from time to time.

Active on all bands 1.8 - 144 MHz CW and SSB.

The same Radio Room in the year of 2002. 
Still a lot of homebrew equipment around. 

Pictures Copyright © 2002 Göran Carlsson, SM7DLK

Webbmaster SM7EQL