"Gröna Hissen"



The "Gröna Hissen" antenna project

The second tower project at the SL3ZV / SK3JR club house


In case you missed the story of the "Finska Pinnen" antenna project, I suggest that you click here and check that page out before reading any further.

The tower used for this antenna was raised about four years ago when we moved to the new (and current) club house. The antenna was bought three years ago from CueDee, but we never got the antenna onto the tower due to lack of resources. (both software and hardware...)

However, after launching the rotating tower back in June, we decided to stay on top of things and get the 40m beam up in the tower. We found that all the material needed was almost in shape so all we had to do was to set a date and get started with the antenna and rotator assembly.

This is Lars/SM3BDZ assembling the gamma of the 40m beam.
The "front end" of SM3VDX can be seen on the left.

More gamma assembly...

OK, so now we're ready to get it moving upwards... But hey, there's a guy wire missing over there, and the contest is just about to take off!!

Yeah I know... I'm working as fast as I can!
(Mike/SM3JLA in action)

And finally... There it is. The beauty and the beast.

Surprisingly, everything was done according to the plan. Murphy obviously had more important things to do, so we were able to safely get both the rotator and antenna in place in just two days. After some minor adjustments we were on air with a nice piece of aluminum. It sure felt good to be QRV on all bands again after quite a few years in the shadow.

But hey... Did I say ALL bands? Well, we had to remove the 160m slopers from the tower while working on the 40m beam, and the same happened to the 80m wires... So, what's next? If you're interested, you might as well check out the "wire party" that was thrown at the clubhouse on the first weekend in October.

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This web site was last changed at 06 feb 2000 by SM3OJR