SEANET Contest 2006The
organizers of the SEANET Convention 2006 invite all radio amateurs and Short
Wave Listeners (SWL’s) to participate in the SEANET 2006 Contest.
To promote two-way amateur
radio communication within the SEANET Region and between the SEANET region and
the rest of the world using various modes.
Start 1200 UTC 3rd June 2006
160, 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10
meters (No WARC bands).
Single operator - Single-band - Single mode
6. POWER INPUT: As stipulated in the regulations governing the license of the operators.
7. REPORTING: RST/RS report plus serial numbers starting with 001.
SEANET stations (including
SWLs) may contact/log World-Wide AND SEANET stations, AND stations within own
country. ITU Zone: 33(BY), 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 90 The DXCC Entity list for multiplier scoring purposes is: 1S/9MO (Spratly), 3D2, 3D2/C, 3D2/R, 3W/XV, 4S, 4W, 8Q, 9M2, 9M6/9M8, 9N, 9V, A5, AP, B/BY, BS7, BV, BV/P, C2, DU, FK, FK/C, H4, H40, HL/DS, HS/E2, JA, JD1/M, JD1/O, KHO, KH2, KH9, P2, P5, S2, T2, T3O, T33, T8, V6, V7, V8, VK, VKO/M, VK9/C, VK9/L, VK9/M, VK9/N, VK9/W, VK9/X, VQ9, VR2, VU, VU/A, VU/L, XU, XW, XX9, XY/XZ, YB, YJ, ZL, ZL7, ZL8, ZL9.
9.1. Point:
* For contacts between
WORLD-WIDE and SEANET Stations = 10 points Each point counts on each mode on the same band. Note - Only one contact per mode is allowed on each band with the same station. E.g. A "Voice" mode contact can only be made once per band with the same station. SSB or FM can be used for the contact, but points cannot be claimed for an SSB and an FM contact with the same station. Similarly on digital, any digital mode can be used to make a digital mode contact with the same station, but points cannot be claimed for more than one digital mode with the same station. 9.2. Multiplier: * WORLDWIDE stations can only claim multipliers for DXCC entities within the SEANET Region - See entity list above. * SEANET stations can claim multipliers for DXCC entities WORLDWIDE including the SEANET Region and own country. Each multiplier counts once on each band (not mode). 9.3. Score: The total number of QSO points times the total number of multipliers worked.
Contacts on cross modes or
cross bands will not count. Operators are not allowed to transmit two or more
signals at the same time on the same band.
All entries should be in the
form of written or computerized logs and summary sheets showing claimed scores. Information required for contest logs is: * Date * Time (UTC) * Band * Mode (CW/SSB/RTTY) * Report sent (RS([T]), Serial # sent * Report Received (RS[T]), Serial # received * Claimed QSO points * Claimed multipliers. (Multipliers should be listed). Please post your entry logs to the address below: Mailing address: SEANET CONTEST 2006 Tetsuo Yamamoto, JA3PYC 3-2-39-1414 Yasunaka-cho, Yao, Osaka, 581-0085, JAPAN Or Email to: Entries should be received not later than 30th June 2006. Results will be announced at the SEANET 2006 Convention, Osaka International House (I-House) in Osaka at GARA party on Saturday the 16th September, and will be published on the SEANET 2006 Web Site: http:// www.qsl.net/seanet2006/
12. AWARDS: A certificate will be awarded to the high scoring entry in each category. Additional awards may be made at the discretion of SEANET contest organizers.
13. SWL RULES: Only stations taking part in the Contest may be logged for scoring purposes. Logs should show in columns: * Date * Time * Mode * Band * Callsign of "Station Heard" * Complete exchange sent by this station * Callsign of station being worked * A RS(T) report on "Station Heard" at SWLs QTH * Points and multiplier
If both sides of a contest contact are heard they may be claimed as separate stations and the callsigns have to appear in the "Station Heard" column. A station may only appear once per band per mode as station heard. In the column "Station Worked" the same station may not be logged more than 10 times per band.
Good Luck in the Contest |