Santa Clara County Amateur Radio Association
was formed as a general interest amateur radio club in 1921
and became a non-profit corporation in 1947.
SCCARA is an affiliate of the American Radio Relay League
The club's general meeting is held on the second Monday
of each month at 7:30PM.
Visitors are always welcome to attend the club's general meetings.
SCCARA Celebrated its CENTENNIAL in 2021!
The next general meeting is at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, October 14, 2024.
We'll begin nominations for the November election of officers and directors.
Use the entrance on the Plumeria side of the building and follow the signs to classroom #3 IMPORTANT
DETAIL: Masking may be required in the hallways. Please follow any posted guidelines.
Please try to arrive before 7:30 PM because the doors may be Hope to see you
at the meeting! Gregg KF6FNA, President PREVIOUS
SPEAKERS (link) Site map is in
ARCHIVES - (older copies still being added)
in the SCCARA-GRAM SCCARA's Radio Room is Open Monthly. See: The
club board meeting is held the third Monday of each month Officers
& Directors of SCCARA Club
address is: SCCARA P.O.Box
106 San
Jose CA 95103-0106
Want current information regarding the local volunteer license examiner
is link)
Our regular meetings are held at: The American Red Cross Southwest corner of N. 1st. St. and Plumeria 2731 North 1st St.
San Jose, CA 95134
secured. If you arrive late, there will be a phone number posted on a flyer at the
door that can be called for assistance.
To get to classroom #3, enter the building
at the entrance
facing Plumeria. Go straight ahead through the security doors
and follow the hall to the end. Turn right to find classroom #3.
73, Gregg KF6FNA, [email protected]
at the San Jose Red Cross building, 2731 N 1st Street, San Jose, CA at 7:30PM
guests welcome
program in relationship with ARRL?
Elaborated Details of 2 prior presentations
From our February 14, 2011 Regular meeting The February SCCARA meeting featured Rich Harrington, (prior WA6GJF) Now KN6FW, speaking on T Hunting.
As his first call suggests Rich has been at this since 1962. Rich got part of his T-Hunting skills in the US Navy where it is a serious business.
Rich is now retired from Pacific Bell so he can devote his time to designing, building, and using DF equipment.
"How to radiate a big signal from a small lot."
The Link to talk given 9/8/08 is below.
Mr.Badger was a ham since 1939. He graduated from U C Berkeley in Electrical Engineering.
He has had many articles published in both the professional and amateur press.
Regretfully Mr Badger passed on 11/15/09 at 84 years.
The W6TC DX Loop presented by George Badger
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