SCAPS BBS Authentication Procedure


The following describes the procedure which a new end user digital delivery system needs to follow, in order to gain recognition by S.C.A.P.S., and thereby be eligible for listing as a LINKED WESTNET BBS.

All existing BBB's as listed in the Westnet BBS list as of 11-18-94 are hereby recognized as SCAPS authenticated BBB's, and agree by majority vote to maintain and promote the following;

In keeping with the scope and objectives of S.C.A.P.S., the new applying member end user information delivery system (BBS), shall be counseled by the local SCAPS LAN Manager.  The LAN Manager shall then solicit comments from other Sysops' within the applicants area, with regard to the impact of the proposed BBB's operation.

The LAN Manager will mediate and attempt to resolve such controversy that might arise between the applicant and established BBS Sysops within the service area.

Upon agreement between the applicant, the local LAN, and the local LAN Manager as to all issues of the proposed system, the local LAN Manager shall inform the BBS Authentication Committee of his/her decision.

After successfully performing a review function, the BBS Authentication Committee shall cause the applicant BBS to be known as a S.C.A.P.S. "Member BBS", and shall be eligible for a listing in the Westnet BBS list.

The review function performed by the BBS Authentication Committee shall include functions deemed necessary to assure smooth, and efficient operation of all other BBB's, LAN's and other amateur services.  The BBS Authentication Committee shall be recognized as the final decision maker with regard to S.C.A.P.S. BBS authentication.

The review function shall be shared with 4 members of the Resource Management Committee of the Southern California Digital Communications Council.

The BBS Authentication Committee of SCAPS shall maintain a current BBS authentication list called Westnet BBS List.

The basic requirements for SCAPS/WESTNET BBS authentication shall be those set forth below, and in the current SCAPS charter.

Frequency determination, and agreement, is a requirement for authentication, and shall be determined by local LAN Manager, in concert with SCDCC Band Plans dated 9-24-94, as well as the needs of the local LAN.  In no case, shall authentication be given when the applicant significantly interferes with amateur services in adjacent LAN's or networks.  The issue of frequency shall be reviewed carefully by the BBS Authentication Committee.

SCAPS BBS Authentication Procedure

The local LANS are currently made up of the following partitions:
LAN Description  Local LAN Manager
Imperial County WA6CFT
San Diego County W1CDM
Orange County WF60
Inland Empire N6KZB
Ventura County W8AKF
Apple and Antelope Valleys KB6ZBI
South Santa Barbara County  KN6VV
North Santa Barbara and San Luis Obisbo Counties KM6RZ
West Kern and Inyo Counties KC6RAU
East Kern County and Sierra areas KC6UTH
Santa Clarita Valley  KJ6EO
San Fernando Valley WB6WFH
San Gabriel Valley, L.A. Basin, and So. L.A. County  K6VE

The local LANS listed above represents the current LAN Manager Committees.  The committee may elect a Chairperson, to act as spokesperson for the group.  The LAN Manager Committee may alter the makeup, size or partition of any LAN by a simple majority vote of the group.

It is the task of each LAN Manager to provide for the needs of his/her LAN, including the BBB's and users contained therein.

Each LAN Manager shall facilitate the orderly and effective delivery of information to the end user.  Each LAN Manager's first priority shall be effective delivery of personal, and NT traffic.

An applicant BBS is not authorized by SCAPS to list itself as a HOME BBS until authentication has been achieved.  It is not the intent of this BBS Authentication Procedure to impede the delivery of NT or personal mail.  Such traffic is to be forwarded to the HOME BBS of the applicant, until such time as authentication is posted to SYSOP @ ALLCAS by the local LAN Manager.

As soon as applicant has been authenticated, and the local LAN Manager has sent out a message to SYSOPS@ALLCAS attesting that applicant has met all the authentication criteria, and has been accepted into the local LAN, with forwarding instructions for the applicant BBS, the applicant BBS can list itself as it's own HOME BBS.

SCAPS BBS Authentication Procedure

The applicant shall maintain at least one forwarding port, as one user port, and each shall be operated on frequencies generally accepted and promoted for that purpose.  The applicants authenticated status is dependent upon maintenance of the initial terms of recognition, and an alteration thereof, may be cause for review.

The applicant shall have at least one member sponsor, who agrees to maintain the appropriate forwarding link (feed) from the network.

It is the function of every LAN Manager to accept, pass on, (if the forwarding chain extends beyond the local LAN), all legal, and SCAPS agreed on bulletins, and other traffic received.

Only BBB's carrying the full set of bulletins, NT, and personal mail for it's served area will be considered "Full Service BBB's".  Limited service BBB's may be excused from the above requirement, in lieu of significant "other" contribution to the system, as determined by the BBS Authentication Committee.

An authenticated BBS shall not be required to post any message that it's Sysops feels is undesirable.

Once authenticated, such status may not be revoked except as provided above, and by a 2/3rds quorum vote of he SCAPS membership, at a general meeting, provided such topic appears as an agenda item 30 in advance of said meeting.

Exceptions to the Authentication guidelines described above (except revocation of authentication status), shall be made by majority vote of the BBS Authentication Committee at large, and cannot be made at the local LAN Manager level.  These exceptions shall be made in concert with the S.C.D.C.C. as well as other amateur bodies as deemed appropriate by the BBS Authentication Committee.  Where dispute prevents agreement, the BBS in dispute, may become authenticated, but shall not be eligible for Westnet status.

Rev.8 10-16-1994

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