Preparations & Contest WPX  March  2002

 Mark hill

SOSB  10m LP 

 Restaurant Mark

With Kris S57IIO we start preparations for WPX contest two days before start. Main  attention we  dedicate to setup the PC, logging program, to make cable conections for PC/RTX. Than  we start the logistic preparation to transport equipment to "my" contest location on Mark hill. Mast,rotor,cables,tools,wires....beam.

We Plain to mount the mast on the fire steps behind the building.After we setup in darkness the beam we rise up the mast and mount the antenna on top of it ...this time with cable's connected ..... last time for some to us unknown reason we didn't... Hihi....

   ( as the saying goes Ham's are strange kind of people.....)

My old TS-690S ( with his +/- 90W) and an small antenna will serve me this time too .To my detriment  dont have a new one.....yet...I know the story that my domestic repeat everytime i come up to entitle to purchase a new rig..... ( is this familiar to some one..??)

Well like usualy i wait till last minute to setup all the things toghether.At last i come on location with the rig and pc evening before  the contest start (some software & rig control problems).After setup the rig and connect all cables i made few tests.Then come's the first two problems.The SWR of the beam was teriblle and also the rotor doesnt turn properly - it constantly lose direction ,but that was unsignificant problem because i was able to see the beam from the window few meters ahead  and turn the antenna in desiderable direction.My TS-690s have tuner but "he" was unable to tune the beam on lower part of the 10m band .I chek again all my gear from cables to rig all was ok -my suspects fall on the antenna .Alone few hour's before the contest start i was unable to pull down the antenna and chek it or change it (all of my friends were from home because of Easter day or are Ham's like me and ready on their locations) on so I telephone to my father and ask him for a favore to bring  from home my MN-2000 Drake tuner.

It was much better than before but to me appear no persuasiveness.It must work without tuner - but i have lot of  choice's just work or to allow  contest by.I choose to contest anyway-whatever will be.I persuade  for a while myself that  can't be worse but i was wrong.The propagation that day was worse it realy tease well. I also pray that my old power suply resist this time (it was under repair litle bit modificated+add an extra ventilating fan to prevent overheating).

So I start at 5.40z  to direction UA & JA.During the contest I was litle confused-better say not sure enough if antenna works or not because i have not a good feeling about the propagation.After few hours "mr.Murphy" come to visit me again this year.Aound 14.00z in the midle of USA "pileup".This time under cover (fancy dress) named "Black Out". Goodwill visit endeed!!! Four and half hours in darknes  realy begin my nervs (also the "crew" of lodging house  goes anger they have full of guests -Easter day no electricity ,no water,no food,...nice...) - this "hole" definitivly influence on my later score.I call  home (in valey) to check how is there athe situation.They say that after 10min the curent come back-at my location nothig happend so i call Kristina-S57KRI (Kris S57IIO sister) to check how is the situation at their QTH in Vogrsko (few miles away).After few very long minutes they have the curent back.Only on my area nothing happend yet...a few trys but no success.I call the the Electric company for some explanations about the situation.I was told so some  big accident happen on a distribution station (some fire start some whewre inside-hope that i'm  not guilty hihi..).They say that curent will back in all locations in few hours.Ha ...."few" meantime contest continue without us "black outers".When the curent come back i first check my log ,every thing appears fine....thank's the Lord!!! I was afraid for some lost data files.I continue  contesting from where i finished till the band was open surfing thrugh thichness signals from "bigger"  or better say stronger stations colecting everithing i may take also i try to coming thrue with CQ-ing on upper part of band near the edge where was a litle bit "qiuet" hoppe to have a few minutes of "pileup" to repair the black out score damage.I finish with PY & LW stations around 22.30z .

Second day was better.A lot of stations that i work a precedent day so running all the time was indispensably.The antenna  have  a strange behaviour.I dont know why but i'll come to know when i take things apart.I suspect that culprit is  water & some corosion on connectors .I finish contesting at 22.20z disappointed because i don't reach the desidered score.Next time better i say....hope with curent and without murphy's enough for  the third year consecutively...Plesae Mr.Murpy take a break..Isn't time for some vacantions..???...hihi....

At last for some unknown reason my log was earsed from my PC.Few dsperate trys to find a way to found the files but no fortune...the contest was run invane.....let's say just for have fun no results agghhhhhh.....!!!! Only "Mea culpa!" because i dont make copies of my log when i finish ....

Learn something more....never trust to a PC...never... I did once but  the price  was expensive...!!! 


   Here are some pictures
