QSL QSL card for regular contacts
QSL QSL card for regular contacts
QSL QSL card for SSB contacts
QSL Severnyy Fort Island
QSL Several Baltic Sea lighthouses
QSL Kotlin Island
QSL Verperluda Island

All direct QSL requests should go to my manager VE3LYC:

Cezar-Ioan Trifu
410 College Street
Kingston, ON K7L 4M7

One IRC or one US dollar is sufficient to send up to three cards in an air mail envelope. Any additional dollars or IRC's would be very welcome and put towards the significant costs of our DXpeditions.

However all bureau cards should go via RZ1AK only. Cezar will not respond to any QSL coming through the bureau.

I also manage the folowing calls: RP1COP, RZ1CXF/p, RK1A/p, RK1B/p, RK1B/1 as well as any expeditions of UA1CIO.
As stated above, all bureau cards - via RZ1AK, direct ones - via VE3LYC.