RN9XA - Eugene Bugrimov


I was born 29-th of August 1969 in Nalchik (North Caucase). My 1-st contact was with UD6GF (op Iosif from Baku) in 1985 from UZ9XWA. I was operated from Club-stations: UZ9XWA, UZ9XWV, UZ9XXM, EV9AX.
At 1990 i recived my 1-st licens - UA9XAC. I was operated from Amderma & Naryan-Mar (RV1P/UA9XAC), Onega (RW1O/UA9XAC).
At 1992 i was used special Call - R9X. I was base station for expedition to Vaygach Is. (EU-086).
From 1994 i used my Call - RN9XA. It was 1-st RN in Russia (HiHi).
I like DX-ing & Contesting (CQWW, CQWPX).


HF -


Ant: 14-21-28 3 el Yagi (Cushcraft A3S) 12 m HI over the graund; 3,5-7 Inverted V.


Standard C156, Standard C828M

Ant: Cushcraft ARX2B

PC - Pentium-266 with DXbase2000


Контактная информация

E-mail Web Phone
[email protected] http://www.qsl.net/rn9xa +7-8212-219289