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RX Beverage system
For RX I use Beverages:
NA=400m, EU=400m, Central AF=542m, South AF=320m, OC=320m

Here my mp3 Archive 160m DX Signals

My TX antennas (field position)
(click on image for full view)

This is Yagi for 10-12-15-17-20 - 2 full size elements for each band.
All 5 active elements are connected by a phasing line from a square aluminium profile.

Full info about SAY5-9 type here.
 SAY5-9 up
View from 46m tower
SAY5-9 land
Antenna on 12 metre mast (the mast is home-made).
SAY5-9 land2
SAY 3-16
This is Yagi antenna with 16 elements for 3 band, active elements phasing same as SAY5-9 antenna.
SAY3-16 is: 8 full size elements for 10m,
4 full size elements for 15m,
4 full size elements for the 20m band.
Full info about SAY3-16 type here.
s3-16 yagi 1
SAY3-16 on 15m tower
s3-16 yagi 2
SAY3-16 and 80m GP
s3-16 yagi 3
SAD 4030
This is full size Rotary Dipole for 30m and for 40m bands.
But my SAD 4030 is rigidly fixed at height of 47,5 metres.
A direction of petals - NA in one party, the AF (almost) in another.

Full info about SAD 4030 type here.
 R.Dipole for 30m and 40m
47,5 up is very fine for it antenna!
Dipole after storm
Dipole after Dec'2014 snow storm.
Dipole after storm2
Dipole after Apr'2015 snow storm.
 New 30/40m Dipole
New 30/40m Dipole
Dipole and other antennas view
Dipole and other antennas view

1/4 wire Vertical for 160m
From idea before realisation.
Idea in MMANA software
Radiator Element
Such decision for the radiator has
allowed to make a wide strip with SWR=1.
DXeng box
Box with
DXEngineering vertical feedline current chokes.
Box v2
The bottom part of the antenna about the Box and radials
Radiator from 46m tower
Radiator v2
Top of the wire vertical

WireSpear (WS) antenna for 40m (bi-directon to EU and NA)
Idea this antenna = Alex UA4WI. This is a bi-directional 6-elements antenna.
 My WS direction
My WS directions
Ant top on 47mH, bottom=12mH
WS40 last SWR
Actual real SWR

WireSpear antenna for 80m band
Idea this antenna = Alex UA4WI, see MMANA file click here
This is a bi-directional five-elements antenna. I'm testing it from the middle of Sept'17.
The process of making my WireSpear info in PDF-file (sri, in Russian only) click here
 WS80m SWR
Actual WS80m real SWR
Planned SWR
Soft planned SWR
Schema WireSpear
RA0FF WireSpear Schema

WireSpear antenna for 160m band

The next generation - The first in te world the WireSpear antenna for 160m.
Many thanks to Alex UA4WI for the idea and help.
The file for the MMANA program can be downloaded here
Everything else is clear from the diagrams and pictures, photos. The direction of radiation differs from the WS-antenna variant by 80 m because for 160 m I did not have the height of the suspension of the upper point. But the result of the work is very good! Such an antenna can be hung in urban conditions between two buildings, one of which will be high-rise.
 My WS-160m diagram
My WS-160m diagram
Soft planned
RA0FF WireSpear 160m direction
WireSpear 160m direction
 Planned and current elevation
Planned and current elevation
Actual SWR
Actual real SWR
Overlap between 2nd and 3th elem.
Overlap between 2nd and 3th elements
 Overlap between 3th and 4th elem
Overlap between 3th and 4th elements
450 Om Line
450 Om Line

Other antennas and RX system
RX Loop
New RX Loop. In test now...

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