Marcus Martins / Minas Gerais / São Paulo / BRASIL
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The LABRE - Radio League Emission Brazilian Amateur is a civil association which aims to bring together amateur radio enthusiasts from all over Brazil. Its foundation took place on February 2, 1934, in order to represent the Brazilian amateur at the national level through its state administrations and internationally through the International Amateur Radio Union - IARU.

LABRE is a civil private association recognized by the Ministry of Communications as a nationwide association by decree No. 498 of June 6, 1975 and member of the National Civil Defense System by RENER.

It is a charity without economic and financial purposes with Title Federal Public Utility issued by the Ministry of Justice pursuant to Ordinance No. 972 of August 22, 2002 and is incorporated under the confederation regime and state administrations, also called State Labre.

The states LABRE are autonomous entities and have their own legal personality.

The LABRE in accordance with its Statute is headquartered in the capital of the Republic.

The LABRE is administered by the Chairman of the Board, elected from among its members every 2 (two) years.

The Director of LABRE Council is composed of the Presidents and Speakers of the State Councils of each State LABRE, up with its statutory obligations.

The LABRE is a registered trademark with the INPI, where he received the Certificate of Registration of LABRE Brand (Reg. nº829224980). Thus, only members can legally use the LABRE name and logo in their QSL cards.

The representative power of any association is directly related to the quantity and quality of its members. If you want a strong and active LABRE, collaborate, join.

The LABRE aims to:

1) The development of amateur radio in the country, in all its forms;

2) Scientific research and technical-operational development of its members, in the telecommunications field;

3) Charitable activities, social, charitable, cultural, educational teaching, recreational, sports, aiming to develop the associative spirit, harmony and cohesion of its membership;

4) Collaboration with government telecommunications agencies, according to the relevant legislation and representing the amateur next to these government authorities;

5) Technical, scientific, social and cultural exchange with similar entities;

6) The perfect administrative and operational integration of State Labres each other and with the LABRE (central);

7) The defense of the rights of members in the administrative area, respecting the autonomy of the State Labres;

8) The civic, moral and intellectual activities, to the cult of the homeland, the institutions, the family and the dignity of man;

9) representation and defense of the Brazilian amateur radio from the Brazilian authorities and international amateur radio organizations;

10) The creation, development and consolidation of schools for the training and development of hams in all operating modes;

11) The participation of the Brazilian amateur in national and international competitions;

12) Maintaining a white paper to electronic disclosure issue, electricity, and social activities of the entity and amateur radio in general;

13) The care and selfless service to the community, whenever the situation demands or authorities request it.

To join the amateur, we suggest that contact the LABRE of their state for more information, such as date and place of the next exam, demands and knowledge required, availability of telegraphy courses, legislation and etc. We hope to see you soon on the tracks.

 labrsimb(1).gif (2818 bytes) Access the Labre of each State labrsimb(1).gif (2818 bytes)

brasil(1).gif (21489 bytes) Central - Brasília - PT2AA                                           Acre - Rio Branco - PT8AA acre.gif (1498 bytes)

alagoas.gif (2001 bytes)Alagoas - Maceió - PP7AA                                      Amapá - Macapá - PQ8AAamapa.gif (2150 bytes)

amazon.gif (1874 bytes)Amazonas - Manaus - PP8AA                                  Bahia - Salvador - PY6AAbahia.gif (1706 bytes)

ceara.gif (2410 bytes)Ceará - Fortaleza - PT7AAC                                             Distrito Federal - PT2AAAdistri_fed.gif (1483 bytes)

 esp_sant.gif (1935 bytes)Espirito Santo - Vitória - PP1AA                                 Goiás - Goiânia - PP2AAgoias.gif (1986 bytes)

 maranhao.gif (1709 bytes)Maranhão - São Luís - PR8AA                            Mato Grosso - Cuiabá - PY9AAmat_gros.gif (2307 bytes)

 magro_sul.gif (2174 bytes)Mato Grosso do Sul - PT9AA                 Minas Gerais - Belo Horizonte - PY4AAminas_ger.gif (1683 bytes)

  para.gif (1707 bytes)Pará - Belém - PY8AA                                       Paraíba - João Pessoa - PR7AAparaiba.gif (1586 bytes)

 parana.gif (2428 bytes)Paraná - Curitiba - PY5AA                                   Pernambuco - Recife - PY7AApernambu.gif (2617 bytes)

  piaui.gif (2013 bytes)Piauí - Teresina - PS8AAD                      Rio de Janeiro - R. de Janeiro - PY1AArio_janei(1).gif (2951 bytes)

 rio_norte.gif (2351 bytes)Rio Grande do Norte - Natal - PS7AA      Rio Grande do Sul - P.Alegre - PY3AArio_sul.gif (1669 bytes)

rondonia.gif (2091 bytes)Rondônia - Porto Velho - PW8AA                          Roraima - Boa Vista - PV8AAroraima.gif (2296 bytes)

sant_catar.gif (2636 bytes)Santa Catarina - Florianópolis - PP5AA             São Paulo - São Paulo - PY2AAsao_paulo.gif (1896 bytes)

sergipe.gif (2034 bytes)Sergipe - Aracaju - PP6AA                                      Tocantins - Palmas - PQ2AAtocantins.gif (2076 bytes)