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How did the band of 11 meters


Reproduction of this text is authorized provided the holder is preserved and mentioned - (Copyright : Marcus Martins - PY4SM / PY2DD)


In the year 1941 a ham that lived in Rhode Island (USA), overheard, reported at a frequency of 27.125 MHz. This frequency, the time was not released for use by radio amateurs and, moreover, because of the 2nd World War all hams were forbidden to pass. But this experienced trader noted that the language used in the transmissions was German.


The agency that regulated communications in the United States, to be notified by the amateur, said it was not a clandestine transmission within the American Territory. In fact the stations were Erwin Romel Marshal Troops transmitted Tunisia.


The American Defense Service was notified and began to listen to the broadcasts containing instructions, planning and Romel Marshal Orders. Thus the data were transferred to the Allied Expeditionary Force who defeated the Nazi troops in battles in North Africa.


In 1944, in the Netherlands that had been taken by the Germans, it was developed a spy project by the pilot / commander of the Air Force American SH Simpson that used wiretaps radios allies on the ground. Communication equipment to meet the needs of this mission had to provide a satisfactory range, were portable and its antennas were small compared to other HF bands because they had to be well hidden. A segment that provides radio was identified with these characteristics, but only in the VHF range.


With the war over, the US communications coordinating body approved the development of low cost equipment for use by US citizens.


From the year 1947 US industry started production and marketing of the first equipment for the range of 11 meters. The main goal was to give the citizen a means of quick communication, versatile and cost-effective, without the need for technical expertise, targeting the professional and commercial activities.


Quickly doctors began to use the 11 meters to communicate with hospitals, farmers with their families and farms, taxi drivers and their stations, supply companies and their distribution offices and many other business activities.


Clandestinely in Brazil the expansion of this modality had a rapid development and soon the "Citizen's Band" was being used by a greater amount each day operators. The regulation of Citizen Radio Service took to happen and the Radio Technical Commission was the official organ at the time gave little importance to applications from all sectors of society. Brazil had signed the International Convention which recognized the range of 11 meters.


In 1970 came the decree No. 33 of 26 January 1970, the Ministry of Communications which regulated in our country, the Citizens Radio Service. Initially with only 23 channels and emissions only in AM (amplitude modulation) band of citizens was used by professionals and also for entertainment, much resembling the Amateur with distribution of commemorative diplomas and even Contests.


From 1979 onwards several changes were made to the Citizens Radio Service; the band now has 60 channels, commercial use, released for emergencies and permission for use of emissions in SSB was banned.


FREQ.     MODO         REGION or AREA                        TIPO     EMISION
 27.900/995  usb     Ex URRS y Asia del Este                    contacto   Fonia
 27.695       usb       Centro y Sud América                       contacto   Fonia
 27.555       usb       Contacto mundial y AT                     contacto   Fonia
 27.515       usb       Norte América y Caribe                     monitor    Fonia

 27.470       usb       Africa y Pacífico                                 contacto    Fonia
 27.460       usb       Africa y Pacífico                                 contacto    Fonia
 27.455       usb       Worlwide Monitor Frequency             monitor     Fonia
 27.440       usb       Pacifico y Africa                                 contacto    Fonia

 27.420       usb       Pacifico y Africa                               contacto    Fonia
 27.385       usb       Norte América                                  monitor     Fonia
 27.355       usb       Pacifico                                            monitor     Fonia
 27.295       usb       Sud America                                    monitor     Fonia

 27.225       usb       Caribe                                                monitor     Fonia
 26.840       usb       Worlwide Monitor Frequency            monitor     Packet
 26.720       usb       Australia y Nueva Zelanda                  monitor     Fonia
 26.555       usb       Este de Europa y N.América               monitor     Fonia

 26.285       usb       Worlwide Monitor Frequency          monitor     Fonia

26.175        usb Agrupación AN España Internac.
26.230        usb Informal radioamistad HP Flotante Internac.
27.245        fm Radio Club Silla Valencia Esp. Regional
26.285        usb Alfa Delta Mike Internac.
26.315        usb Guape Amigos Valladolid España Regional
26.345        usb Avispones Internac. Internac.
26.405        usb  R.Div Oriente Internac. USA Houston Texas
26.405        usb  Agrupación AV España Internac.
26.635        am Donkeys Internacionales USA - Mexico
27.665       usb red nacional de ayuda a.c. grupo champoton,campeche
26.965        usb Cruz Ambar (R.Brig. Auxilio) Mexico
27.015        am Punto 5 AM Venezuela
27.075        am RAAO Red Arg Amigos Onc. Argentina regional
27.135        usb Chavos canal 15 Nvo. León, México
27.205        am lla3 Corrientes Argentina, Provincial
27.205        usb AABC Uruguay Nac.
27.205        usb Asoc.  CB Sierra Alfa  Paraguay
27.215        usb Club RCOA Arica Chile
27.325        am Unión R Canal 32 ES Caracas  Venezuela
27.355        usb Grupo Cara - Rancagua Chile - Regional
27.375        am Tres Mosqueteros y Medio Victoria Tamaulupas, México
27.385        lsb  Informal,  en castellano Australia  Nac.
27.395        usb Agrupación Sin Fronteras Puerto Montt  Chile
27.455        usb Faraones Internac. R.C. Las Vegas Nevada, USA
27.465        usb Choleños de Veracruz México regional
27.485        usb  R. Dimensión Latina Int'l USA Internac.
27.055        am RC Operadores de México México Nacional
27.500  6psk11 (Modo Digital psk31 PSK11metros   Colombia
27.515        usb Agrupación Int. Cono Sur Sud América Austral
27.535        usb Radiocom .de México México
27.535        usb Unión de Radio de Badajoz España Regional
27.555        usb Agrupación DX  RH Costa Rica Internac.
27.575        usb  SIERRA ALFA  España Frecuencia Monitor DX
27.585        usb Tres Mosqueteros y Medio USA y MEXICO
27.595        usb Conejos Liberales Mexico,California USA
27.595        usb Radio Auxilio TIDM A.C México Internac.
27.605        usb  Agrupación  MU España Internac.
27.605        usb Agrup. Costa Azul Argentina, Mar del Plata
27.605        usb  Agrupación AUSTRAL Argentina, Usuhuahia
27.655        usb  Grupo Radio Chile Chile  Internac.
27.685        usb CDT Amistad  Tenerife Canarias
27.665        usb Red Nac de Ayuda AC Mexico, América
27.715        usb  RCL DX     La Coruña España  Internac.
27.755        usb Radio Alfa Internacional San Jose Ca. e Internac
27.765        usb RAAO Red Arg Amigos Onc. Argentina Nacional
27.725        usb Grupo DX San José SJ Uruguay Internac.
27.805        usb  Agrupación ICC  Murcia España Internac.
27.825        usb MRV España Regional
27.955        usb Mosqueteros Unidos California y México
27.965         usb Gavilanes Venezuela Venezuela Internacional
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