Though several goals were in mind at the start of this study, only three of them are summarized in this report, namely the hour-to-hour variations and variation within the solar cycle. Analyses of geographical distribution and drifts of sporadic-E clouds were not made, though the raw data is available.
Observations were conducted from San Antonio, Texas from January, 1964 through early August, 1966 and again from November, 1969 through the end of December, 1970. In the period between August, 1966 and November, 1969, observations were conducted from Austin, Texas, some 85 miles northeast of San Antonio.
Although the equipment used during the study varied from
time-to-time, it was all commonly available 50 mHz amateur gear.
Receivers used has sensitivities on the order of 1 µv, and antenna
systems had gains in the 7-9 db. range. Equipment outage caused the
loss of data between September and November, 1966.
There frequently forms in the vicinity of the normal E-layer of the ionosphere, clouds or patches of abnormally intense ionization, which are capable of reflecting radio waves of frequencies much higher than those reflected by the regular E or F layers. These clouds usually cover a rather small geographical region, approximately 50 to 100 miles in diameter. They occur more or less at random and are relatively short lived, usually dissipating within a few hours. This sporadic ionization generally occurs about 60 miles above the earth's surface, at about the same height as the regular E layer. For this reason it is called sporadic-E ionization, or Es.
As a results of an intensely ionized sporadic-E cloud, it is
at times possible to communicate over relatively long distances on the 50 mHz
amateur band, and on some occasions on 144 mHz as well, (see
fig. 1).
The height at which sporadic-E ionization occurs limits one-hop
propagation to a maximum distance of approximately 1400 miles. During
periods of widespread Es ionization, two-hop propagation may sometimes be
possible up to distances of approximately 2500 miles. Band openings
due to Es are often referred to as short-skip openings for this reason.
Reflection from sporadic-E clouds takes place with very
little signal loss, resulting in exceptionally strong signal levels during
most openings. Quite often it is possible to maintain communications
considerably off the great circle path between two stations by means of back
and side scatter from a sporadic-E cloud.
What causes sporadic-E ionization in not yet fully known.
Since it occurs more often during the hours of daylight, it seems that
ultra-violet radiation might play some role in its formation. Since it
also occurs at night, especially during the winter months, auroras and meteor
trails are often suggested possible sources of ionization. More recent
theories indicate that the ionization might be caused by shearing forces
associated with rapid wind movements in the ionosphere.
Since little is known about the ionizing sources for Es, its
behavior cannot be predicted by positive means at the present time.
Statistical studies, of the type discussed in this report, are the only means
by which the characteristics of sporadic-E propagation can be determined.
For the purpose of this study only the occurrence of Es
propagation on the 50 mHz band was noted. Onset and dropout times were
recorded, but openings were not rated according to strength, quality,
distance, bearing, etc.
An Es "opening" was considered to be any signal (except
those identified as groundwave or tropo-ducting), including backscatter,
received over a distance up to the one-hop limit of 1400 miles. Signals
received from beyond 1400 miles were classified as multi-hop Es only when the
season of the year or time of day eliminated the possibility of F layer
Onset and dropout times were recorded for all openings, with
signals checked every five minutes. A 30 minute fade-out period was
defined as terminating a given opening.
No attempt was made to separate openings according to the
ionization patches that might have been involved, and during some occasions
reflections from several different patches was evident. A given opening
may have lasted from 5 to 500 or more minutes, and may have had one or two
signals present, or hundreds of signals.
As the author was a high school and college student for the
period of this study, the times available for monitoring would vary greatly
in a given year. The summer periods, however, can in many ways be
considered near continuous and complete.
Though a few days of data were lost incident to the station
location changes, the only long-term outage of equipment was in the
September-November 1966 period.
The following conclusions concerning the behavior of Es
propagation on the 50 mHz band can be drawn from the study.
Figure 2 shows the total time, in minutes,
that 50 mHz Es propagation was observed for each month, summed for the
1964-1970 period. A summer maximum with a secondary winter peak are
clearly noted. Nearly 80% of the yearly total of Es propagation took
place from May through August, with a statistical maximum occurring in June
(although July of a given year may have exceeded June). A secondary
maximum is evident in the month of December, with a definite minimum
occurring in March. This agrees with the long-known seasonal trends
of Es propagation. The diurnal, or hour-to-hour variation in Es propagation is
shown in fig. 3, for both winter and summer. The
"double-hump" diurnal characteristics of Es propagation can be seen clearly.
During the summer months, a peak occurs between 10 A.M. and noon, local time,
and again from 6 to 8 P.M. Es propagation is primarily a daytime phenomenon
during the summer months, decreasing rapidly after local sundown.
During December, while the peaks occur at about the same
local time as they do during the summer months, the latter period is well
beyond sundown and into the hours of darkness. This December peak may
be due, at least in part, to increased meteor activity associated with the
Ursids shower which occurs during the middle of this month.
Figure 4 presents the year-to-year
variation in Es for the 1964-1970 period. Es was very high during 1965,
at a time when solar activity was very low. Es was very low during
1969, when solar activity was at its peak. This might imply some sort
of inverse relationship between Es and solar activity, but this is upset by
the high level of Es which was observed during 1968, when solar activity was
near maximum. According to this study, there is no clear cut
relationship between Es and the solar cycle. During the seven year study WA5IYX heard or worked 48 of the
50 states via 50 mHz Es propagation. Only Delaware and Alaska were
missed. Hawaii was worked just once on what seemed to a 3 hop Es
opening, although it could have been an F2 layer-Es
combination. The following foreign prefixes were also heard or worked
during the study period: In covering so large a span of time it is difficult to pick
out only a few highlights. During June of 1965 there was a four day
period of Es during which openings occurred on three days which lasted more
than 800 minutes each - a level nowhere else found in this study. One
afternoon the rare spectacle of simultaneous reception of the states of
Washington and Massachusetts was made - from Texas this was double hop to each
June 1968 saw the shortest Es opening, 280 miles, between Big
Springs and Austin, Texas. The longest single Es opening of the study
came on May 30, 1970 with onset recorded at 7 A.M. and final fade out of
signals at 1:45 A.M. on May 31, or nearly 19 continuous hours. On
November 8, 1970 the longest multihop Es opening was observed (though some
claim it was a combination of F2 and Es), with KH6 signals at
close to 4,000 miles roaring in.
This seven year study of Es propagation brings up to date
similar studies made previously in the 50 mHz amateur band by Ferrell, the
Monroes, and others. It further confirms the diurnal and seasonal
behavior of Es, but still leaves unanswered the relationship between this mode
of propagation and the solar cycle, if any.
These is still need for further, perhaps more specialized
long-range Es propagation studies. Perhaps similar studies in the
future will establish some sort of relationship with solar activity, or point
more positively in the direction of those phenomena which might be responsible
for producing this sporadic ionization. There is now general
acceptance in the scientific community of the wind-shear theory of Es
formation.4 However, as yet there remain
several points which have to be resolved. Long-range studies of signals
in the 50 mHz band conducted by radio amateurs, particularly in cooperation
with professional scientific investigation such as was carried out with ESSA a
short time ago,5 may hasten the answers to
presently unresolved questions concerning this theory.
The author would like to express his gratitude for the
valuable assistance, comments, and encouragement received from many fellow
amateurs during this study - in particular: George Jacobs, W3ASK; Morgan,
K7ALE, and Dorothy Monroe, K7ALF; Bob Cooper, W5KHT; Mel Wilson, W2BOC; Bill
Smith, KØCER; and Lorn Matheson, WAØEKO.
Observation Criteria
Seasonal Variation
Diurnal Variation
Solar Cycle Variation
DX Heard and Worked
CO2, CO5, FG7, HI8, KP4, KV4, TG9, VE1, VE2, VE3, VE4, VE5, VE6, VP7,
XE1, XE2 and ZF1.
* P.O. Box 27376, San Antonio, Texas 78227
1 Monroe, M., and Monroe, D., "50 Mc Propagation Effects",
CQ, June, 1962, p. 37.
2 Monroe, M., and Monroe, D., "50 Mc Propagation Effects",
CQ, Nov., 1964, p. 82.
3 This section provided by George Jacobs, W3ASK, CQ's Propagation Editor.
See also Jacobs, G. and Leinwoll, S., "V.h.f. Ionospheric Propagation,"
CQ, Nov. 1969, p. 37.
4 Wilson, M.S., "Midlatitude Intense Sporadic-E Propagation - Part I,"
QST, Dec. 1970, p. 52.
5 "Radio Amateur Volunteers Needed for 6-Meter Propagation Research,"
CQ, May, 1970, p. 31.
Page created: March 1, 2000
since: May 8, 2011