PI3EHV 2m repeater

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Input frequency: 145.100 MHz (71.9 Hz CTCSS)
Output frequency: 145.700 MHz
Output power: 6 Watt (minus cable loss)
Antenna: Procom CXL 2-2C, 65 meter high
Location: Philips Natuurkundig Laboratorium, Waalre

The 2 m repeater PI3EHV services the Eindhoven area since around 1980.

The repeater is installed at Philips Research in Waalre. The repeater is completely home-brew and was originally constructed using modern concepts as microprocessor control.

When the building was renovated (stripped to it's concrete carcass en completely renovated), the relay was temporary installed at another location and thoroughly reviewed.
The machine has been re-installed at it's old location and has excellent coverage.

What changed?

CTCSS en old equipment

Old equipment doesn't have CTCSS. Fortunately, retrofitting isn't difficult, for example using this kit.
There is work-in-progress on a smaller, more compact solution (for e.g. blue "schiphol" radios). A prototype, using conventional components, has been successfully built inside an IC-2E handheld.


We thankfully acknowledge Philips Research for the hospitality, and hope our repeater can remain "guest" for many years to come.

Geert Jan PE1HZG
Jörgen PA3KC

mail: pi3ehv (at) qsl.net

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