AO-10 Frequenties & TEPR

Hieronder zie je twee Algemene Berichten ( Bulletins ) zoals Radio Zendamateurs deze wel laten circuleren in hun eigen wereldwijde ( WW ) PacketRadio Netwerk. Het betreft enkele zeer kleine formules met betrekking tot het satellieten werk betreffende AO-10 en AO-27. Deze zijn niet meer operationeel, maar men had mij gevraagd om deze pagina nog even te laten staan, in verband met de Nostalgie :-) ..... De aangebrachte linken werken nog steeds, het kan interessant zijn om van een en ander eens kennis te nemen.

Below you see two General Bulletins. RadioAmateurs let circulate such messages in their own worldwide ( WW ) PacketRadio Network. Concerning some very small formulas ( AO-10 and AO-27 ). These satellites are no longer operational, but some people asked me to keep this page active in this Site for a time. Concerning nostalgia. The old Sats famous AO-10 and AO-27. The links ( url ) in it are still working. Perhaps you are interested in it.

AO-10 Frequenties

because of some freq measurements to ao-10 i worked out the following formulas : ( from a basic one : downlink = 581.004 - uplink )
perhaps you could use this formulas hi so i placed this msg in the bbs

A - RX = 581.004 - ( TX + ds70 ) + ds70/3
B - TX = 581.004 - ( RX - ds70/3 ) - ds70

581.004 : 581 MHz and 004 kHz

ds70 ds2 dopplershift ( resp 435 MHz, 145 MHz )

and ofcourse : ds70 = 3.ds2 and ds2 = ds70/3

RX : freq groundstation listening *
TX : freq groundstation transmitting *

* dopplershift ( ds70 of ds2 ) ACTUAL .....

and : when reading out freq low tol : looking out fr doppler shift
belonging to a certain time and qth loc : ( check )

ds70AT/QTHLOC = 1,5 . ( 581.004 - [ RX + TX ] )
ds02AT/QTHLOC = 0,5 . ( 581.004 - [ RX + TX ] )

nb : AT/QTHLOC  AT Actual Time
  QTHLOC QTH Locator

however, formula A and B could be interesting, only RX or TX with actual
doppler shift into the formula and you know the exact TX or RX freq hihi

basic formula : downlink = 581.004 - uplink ( 581 MHz en 004 kHz )

( info abt ao-10 transponder - how to operate ao-10 )

vy 73 pa3gje (leon) ((-,O))



because of some questions i received * abt TEPR ( timed eclips power
regulation ) states : a short expl. ( only state 4 and 5 )

* msg sunsat voice1/2/3 ( ps : AO-27 TEPR settings etc. )

TEPR state 4 : ao-27 enters sunlight, coming out of eclipse
TEPR state 5 : ao-27 still in the light of the sun

4 : start charge batteries ( ONLY charge )
5 : during state 5 * TX works fr a certain time

* footprint => latitudes - US

in this case you could say : start state 4 and 5 at the same moment, nl :
when sat comes out of eclips ( ^leaving^, end of TEPR state 3 )

1 - during state 4 only charging
2 - at the END of state 4 start TX, time OVER ( state 5 ) = time TX
is working ( sat qrv )

pe : state 4 : 18
state 5 : 36 thus : time ( TX = ON ) : (36-18) / 2 = 9 min
( TEPR states expressed in 30-second increments )

with help of yr sat track prgr you will see now when ao-27 is qrv .....
suppose : ao-27 is rising above horizon ( AOS ) but ^arrived^ only 3 minutes
earlier in sunlight : you must wait 6 minutes till sat is qrv !
( when 4 : 18 5 : 36, see example )

why TEPR states ? because : it gives a good condition of the batteries and
a longer lifetime, i think it works very well !

more abt TEPR states

55 73 pa3gje (leon) ((-,O))

ps : AO-27 TEPR settings ( current )
