Subject: NET NOTES MAY 29 2004
From:     K1RQG 

     Most recent Schedules can be found here 

    Also submit your sked requests to Joe:

     Joe, K1RQG 

******  432.035 ARE CW, THOSE ON 432.040 ARE JT65                                   ******
EME schedules, last update 29 May 2004, 09:46

(432 MHz listed only)
Skeds for MAY 29
Time   432.035        432.040        
0430z  VP9MU -VK3UM   
2000z  VP9MU -DL9KR   
2030z                 VP9MU -PA3CSG  [JT65B]
2100z  VP9MU -OE9ERC  
2200z  VP9MU -K1FO    

Skeds for MAY 30
Time   432.035        432.040        
0530z  VP9MU -VK3UM   
2100z                 VP9MU -PA3CSG  [JT65B]
2130z  VP9MU -SM2CEW  
2200z  VP9MU -DL9KR   
2230z  VP9MU -K1FO    
2300z                 VP9MU -OE9ERC  JT65C]

Subj:    New 432 EME OP.
Date:   5/23/04 11:42:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [email protected] (Joe Burke (K6IBY))
To:     [email protected]
CC:     [email protected] (Bill Bailey)

Hi Joel
Bill's Call AE6EQ 
QTH  1680 Nipono Ave. Los Osos, Ca 93406
 Eimac CV-400-2 modified for 3CPX800 ,800 out.
Antenna HB 16x14,
Feed 1.5" Heli.
Dem transverter, driven by Icom Recvr. 
Gave Bill his FCC test in the 60's. A very good buddy.
We now bougth get 10's on WSJT. 
 CUL Joe
Subj:    K7XQ Single Yagi Weekend Report
Date:   5/24/04 2:14:17 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [email protected] (K7XQ)
To:     [email protected] (Moon-Net), [email protected]
CC:     [email protected]

        There was no CW heard on the bands this weekend. I listened
around for awhile on both 144 and 1296 MHz. There was a report that
several stations worked the ZA/PA2CHR. I didn't listen for him until I
received a message that he was QRV and on the air but by that time, it
was right at his moonset so I missed him.

Here are my results for this last weekend ( all 144 MHz unless otherwise
listed ):

May 20th
* I2FAK Completed QSO, I ran only 40 watts measured in the shack

May 21st
* KB8RQ Completed QSO, single yagi QSO # 2, -17 dB signal
* KG6DX call copied with QSO w/K5GMX & RA3IS -26 dB signal
* K2TXB ( 2X yagi station )call copied with QSO w/VK7MO - 22 dB signal
* W5UWB ( single yagi station )calls copied, we did not complete - 22 db

May 22nd
* W5UWB ( single yagi station ) calls copied each way, I sent RO,
I never copied "RRR" from John ( tiny birdie between two tone signal ) -
21 dB signal
* RK3FG Completed QSO, single yagi QSO # 3, 2 meter EME initial # 75,
-22 dB signal
* PA0JMV ( 2X yagi station )Completed QSO, single yagi QSO # 4, -27 dB
* K9MRI call copied with QSO w/W7EME -25 dB signal
* SP6GWD nil both ends
* SM7WSJ copied my call in QSO w/PA0JMV

May 23rd
* KJ7F 432 MHz nil both ends, lost my preamp at last minute of attempt
* S52LM nil both ends
* F6FHP copied my call, nil on my end
* N5BLZ copied my call, nil on my end ( had opposite problem day before
* DF7KF Completed QSO, single yagi QSO # 5, 2 meter EME initial # 76,
-21 dB signal
* VK7MO calls copied, nil on his end ( no mast mount preamp ) -23 dB

I called CQ on 1296 CW, no-one heard, echoes were about 5 - 7 dB down
from last week.

I have to also say that Joop, PA0JMV with his outstanding track record
was also an inspiration for me using my smaller EME System. The real
secret is patience and a willingness to really try. The challenge of EME
is really the most exciting thing I have experienced in my 25 years plus
of HAM Radio. I remember a well known local HAM told me I probably
couldn't work more than afew stations on my 144 MHz 4 X 3 W.L. system.
Boy was he wrong !! It is this kind of attitude that prevents people
from even trying.

I am now ready to continue with this challenge to include small sized CW

I hope to have my 432 preamp fixed in afew days. I am on vacation all
this week so hope to work some more stations.

I like WB9UWA's idea of trying an attic EME system. What about a small
apartment balcony antenna for apartment dwellers, I am serious! If I
still lived in my old apartment, I would try.

BTW: On 144 MHz , I only run 500 watts output on the JT modes to save
life on my 3cx800A7. I also have a GS-35 amplifier "in the works" for
144 MHz.

Thanks for all the fun !!!

K7XQ Jeff
Atwater, CA.
Grid: CM97qi
EME, Satellites, Meteor Scatter
CW, FSK441 or JT-65 ( WSJT )
144 MHz: Single M2 2MPX20 3 W.L. xpol 800 Watts Single 3CX800A7
EME Initials: 76
222 MHz: Single M2 5 W.L. 350 watts     Single 8930 no elevation
EME Initials: 0
432 MHz: Single M2 432 - 9W.L.  800 Watts 2 X 4CX400A 
EME Initials: 5
1296 MHz: 3.0 meter dish VE4MA circular feed 350 Watts single GS-15B
EME Initials: 22
K7XQ Webpage:
Subj:    VP9MU sked
Date:   5/29/04 2:24:52 AM Eastern Daylight Time
From:   [email protected] (Stig Vestergaard)
To:     [email protected] (K1RQG, Joe)
CC:     [email protected] (K2UYH, AL)

Hello Joe.

I got response from AL, concerning his 23cm expedition to Bermuda. He told he wasnt able 
to have amplifier running in time on 23cm. Instaed he would try 70cm with 70W + LY.  I think 
this is too little for me as I am currently only have CW ability and will have some tree 
blockade too.  I think its better to cancel the sked.  I hope Al catch up some of the JT65 
stations during his trip.

73 and best wishes

de Stig, OZ4MM

PS:  Will be on 432+1296+2304 during June sked weekend (12/13 June)  looking for skeds


K0YW:   going to pour some concrete for 140' tower.. all kinds of HF antenna work.. 
        QRV on 23cm .. will not be on moon tonight, but can be on tomorrow.. 

W2UHI:  was on moon last night with N2IQ on both CW and SSB to prepare for a demo on 
        Saturday night .. all worked well.. but the demo is scrapped.. 

NA4N:   been working outside putting in culverts.. now has incremental encoders and other
        stuff.. will be going on a trip first week in June for a couple of weeks on a 
        cruise to Alaska.. 

VE4MA:  Will be doing dish work today .. a bit of maintenance on the dishes.. 

W5ZN:   not much for net.. did complete VUCC on 24ghz.. 

K1FO:   got the sked info .. 

W4SC/P: still working on EME stuff.. will try to be on with 12' soon and then move to 18'..
        does anyone have any experience with W0RAP hybrid for combing 2 amplifiers.. 

W9IIX/M: still hurting from tower incident.. doc says arm is getting better, but Doug
        doesn't agree.. will be in Fl for week next week.. 

WA9FWD: not much new .. still working on 2304 equipment.. 

VE6TA:  having fun on 13cm... worked JA4BLC x-band.. last weekend worked SM3AKW.. 
        now up to 9 initials.. looking forward to WA9FWD.. did some tests between Septum
        feed and VE4MA feed, and found only about 1/4 db diffence in sun noise, but feels
        the circularity is better on Septum as no technical means to adjust the VE4MA
        properly.. MA feed has slightly better sun noise.. 

AD6FP:  Gary .. will be doing some 47ghz on EME .. now has a complete PA working at 32w..
        path loss calculations indicates marginal system at this time.. 

W5UN:   back from Alaska.. did work ZA/PA2CHR on moonrise.. 

NP4XB/M: Marcial.. 

KF4KKR: ... 

DL9KR:  confirms skeds with VP9MU .. 
