Subject: NET NOTES MAR 24 2002
From:     K1RQG 

     Most recent Schedules can be found here 

    Also submit your sked requests to Joe:

     Joe, K1RQG 

EME schedules, last update 24 Mar 2002, 11:06

(432 MHz listed only)
Skeds for MAR 24
Time   432.040        
2200z  W1IPL -DK3WG   

EME schedules, last update 24 Mar 2002, 11:06

(1296 MHz listed only)
Skeds for MAR 24
Time   1296.050       1296.080       
1900z  OK1CA -DL1YMK  
2200z                 VE1ALQ-GM0ONN  
2230z                 K2UYH -GM0ONN  
2300z                 W1ZX  -GM0ONN  

EME schedules, last update 24 Mar 2002, 11:06

(3456 - 10368 MHz listed only)
Skeds for MAR 27
Time   3456.100       
0100z  W5LUA -OK1CA   

Skeds for MAR 28
Time   3456.100       
0200z  W5LUA -OK1CA   
W7CNK:  not much going on.. 

VK3UM:  greetings to all on net.. stateside activity down on 70cm.. 43 worked 
        2:26 am Monday morning..

W2UHI:  had a good afternoon yesterday.. worked G4CCH, W4OP, F6ETI, IK3COJ, W6HD, K5JL, 
        OH2DG, W5LUA, W7SZ.. heard a few but no connection.. GM0ONN nil heard .. 
        will be this afternoon.. 

K5JL:   was on yesterday in high winds.. listened on W2UHI/GM0ONN and called on skeds
        but nil heard either way. F6ETI had a good signal.. Now have to listen for
        call sign instead of chirp for W4OP !!!! good clean sig..did call GM4ISM..

K0YW:   working on shop.. 

NTAM:   will take more sun noise measurements today and get on moon.. no success
        yesterday.. only 2 db increase in sun noise with new feed.. 

WA1JOF: OH2DG, G4CCH, W4OP all worked .. #57 .. heard other signals.. 

W5LUA:  was windy yesterday.. did work  W4OP, W2UHI, F/G8MBI, G4CCH, K9KFR.. JH0YSI
        will be on 9cm with OK1CA Mar 27 0100, Mar 28 0200   3456.100 ,, OK1CA  
        will xmit 3400.1

K5WXN:  lots of activity on 70cm .. worked a couple new ones.. had to shut down due
        to high winds..worked quite a few.. DL1YMK was called then on YMK reply, about
        3 strong stations replied as well .. much QRM .. new ones F2TU & VE6NA ..

W1ZX:   did any one work GM0ONN last night.. 

K9SLQ:  worked SK0CC with good signal, nill 7M2PDT .. 3 OTHER K5AZU, K4QI, VK3UM are
        new ones. will take antennas down for upgrade this week.. 

VE6TA:  was on 70cm last night.. worked K5WXN (but calls may have been incorrect)

AA5C:   nothing to report.. all systems go on 10ghz.. 

WB0GGM: pretty good weekend .. JJ1NNJ not sure if complete.. JS3SIM not complete.. 
        G3HUL good.. nil W4ZRZ,.. F6KHM for new one.. worked 8 and heard and called 17 .. 
        now at #105 initials.. will be around today.. also was on 2 meters EME..

WA0WPJ: upgraded equipment on 2 and 432 and hopes to do 23cm.. will hope to go to more
        than 9' dish on 23cm.. 

K4EME:  was not successful RA3LE.. did work KL6M again .. heard K1FO.. not much 
        else heard..

N2IQ:   finally got 23cm HI voltage P/S going again.. now back QRV 23cm.. will be
        on today on 70cm for a while.. 

W7SZ:   Was on 23cm yesterday and worked K9KFR with big signal, Also was called by a 4 .. 

G4RGK:  not good conditions on moonrise, weak and watery.. worked about 10 stations..
        will be on tonight.. called many CQs and only K2UYH answered.. were good
        condx last night .. heard VE6TA last night.. will be on 432.007.. 
DL9KR:  am on moon right now.. weak stations calling.. but gave up too soon. JH3QY(J)?
        need stations not to give up so soon.. problem with TV interference as well as an
        intermittent meter.. heard KL6M on JA window.. good sig.. did work DL/OM9AME/P
        this was DJ5MN...

WA4NJP: was on for a little while then had to go to work.. 2100-- on moon today til 0300.

GM0ONN: nil heard either way will be on from 2100 to 0000z.. will be in Orlando next week
        for a couple weeks.. 

F/G0VBA: improved things on 432 feed (tin foil feed) heard 7 stations yesterday.. now
        up to 9 db sun noise.. heard VK3UM today.. partial with SM2CEW, Iain rcvd M.. 
        did work W5LUA on 23cm .. good condx .. cannot really operate 2 bands at same
        time, but will be checking in on both bands alternately ..
DL7APV: station is running now.. will be on moon after net.. PA2CHR worked for initial.
LX1DB:  been on 13cm till 1800z then on 6cm  then back to 13cm after 2000z.. 

W7MEM:  worked HB9Q & K0RZ on 70cm. was on 2 meters on JT44.. decoded 3 stations off
        moon on 2 meters.. will be on this afternoon.. only heard a couple yesterday on

VE7BQH: 12:03 PM 3/24/02
