The 50MHz Open - Cumulative Contest 2006.


All licensed radio amateurs, with 50 MHz privileges is invited to participate in
"The 50 MHz Open" cumulative contest.

Date & time

Fourth Tuesday in every month - 19:00-23:00 CET/MET incl. summertime offset. (Never at December 24 th. or 25 th.)

January 24 th.
18-22 UT

February 28 th.
18-22 UT

March 28 th.
17-21 UT

April 25 th.
17-21 UT

May 23 rd.
17-21 UT

June 27 th.
17-21 UT

July 25 th.
17-21 UT

August 22 nd.
17-21 UT

September 26 th.
17-21 UT

October 24 th.
17-21 UT

November 28 th.
18-22 UT

December 26 th.
18-22 UT


OCLP. The 50 MHz Open - Low power < 10 w.
OCMP. The 50 MHz Open - Medium power < 100 w.
OCHP. The 50 MHz Open - High power > 100 w.
Single and multi operators participate in same sections.


Each contacted station counts only ones even if it is /A, /P etc.
Duplicates must not be deleted from the log, but shall be listed as a normal QSO with zero (0) points. In case points are claimed for a duplicate QSO, ten times the claimed points will be deducted.
All operation in accordance with IARU Region 1 bandplan. No contacts via active repeaters or EME are allowed.


RS(T) and Locator, e.g. 59 JO45XG. No QSO no. is required !


1 point/km + 500 bonus points per WWL.


In the annual result, only the nine best contests are evaluated.


The first three stations in each section, and the best station in each country (national winner), will receive a Contest Award.


The winning station of each section will earn a wandering Trophy.
The trophy must be returned for engraving latest December 15. given Year.


Logs must be received no later than a week after the contest. Logs received later than deadline will be used as check logs.

Logs may be submitted electronically to the contest manager, [email protected]
Please in the subject line; 50MHz Open, class & Your callsign.

O. Bjørn Madsen, OZ6OM
Falen 35, 3 tv.
DK-5000 Odense


The trophy are kindly sponsored by the GX7VHF team; G8PL & M1DUD.