2004 was the year when I made my initial contact
on WSJT, more specific JT6M. By the end of the year I had made contact
with 6 DXCC entries.
This mode is a unique way to work meteor scatter. I´m still active,
mostly during showers and in contests.
WSJT / FSK441.
My initial contact on FSK441, was made during the Leonids
2005, with S51AT on 2 meters. Later this mode have brought me an increasing
numbers of DXCC entities on 2 meters.
2003 contact were made to test interface cable between my
IC706 and Acer360.
DL, OK. both on 80 meters.
Packet AX25.
Numerous QSO locally on 2m, 70cm WBM and a
single 6m NBM one. Have been serving as an digipeater (OZ1IZB-2 as access
point to OZ5BBS) in the initial phase of the packet-radio net in OZ
on 2m. Packet messages have also been received from MIR (R0MIR).
In 1985, I & S5 were worked on 10 meters WBM.
Back in 1983 I was active at RTTY, numerous QSO´s were
made locally at 2 meters. At 20 meters following DXCC´s was worked;
I, 4X, LU, F, EA, YV & W.
1984 brought a single contact with
an I station on 20 meters.
I have been experimenting with SSTV back in the early
1980´s, using a taped msg. (courtesy of OZ5KH) however no two
way contacts were made.
Now I´m QRV with MMSSTV, and have
made contacts on 6, 20 & 80 meters.
Equipment in use over the years.
PC laptop, Acer 360.
Yaesu YM-901.
TNC 2C (x3).
Tape recorder.
TTY terminal.