Geminids Meteor
shower. The Geminid meteor
shower is the most intense meteor shower of the year. It lasts for
several days (Dec. 12-16), is rich in fireballs and can be seen
from almost any point on Earth. The 2013 peak rate is between 100-120
meteors per hour. find more at ConDX. Meteorscatter Propagations in December 2011. December is, as usual, characterized by the return of one of the most active (and probably the most reliable) major annual showers: the Geminids. Geminids maximum is expected to occur on December 14th, 17h30m UT, with ZHR = 120 hr-1 at peak. The Geminids peak is typically quite broad (thus ensuring a several-days-long period of good MS activity) , although the rates sometimes decay fairly quickly after the maximum. Have a look to Geminids predictions and tips, as well as those for other minor showers in December 2011 and an overview of 2011 Leonids at (Massimo, IV3NDC, on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team) 3 Dec. 2011 ConDX. Meteor Scatter. November 2011 - Enhanced activity from
Leonids. Leonids meteor shower may produce enhanced rates, with
several peaks in 2011. The encounter with ancient dust trails will
produce some faint meteors maxima superimposed to normal Leonids
activity. According to reserachers, ZHR enhancement may range from
10 to 200 hr-1. Have a look to shower predictions for November 2011
at our MS-Propagationpage: ConDX. Meteor scatter. August marks the return of one of the most popular meteor showers the Perseids. Only the "normal" peak, with ZHR around 100 hr-1, is expected to occur this year. According to IMO, the maximum in 2011 is expected to occur on August 13, between 01h and 13h30m UT, with peak around 06h UT having ZHR = 100 hr-1. No encounters with other trails are expected this year. Massimo, IV3NDC, on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team (MMMonVHF Newsletter 2011-08-04) 11 Aug 2011 ConDX. MS-Prediction Januar 2011. Old trusty Geminids have produced excellent meteor activity even in 2010. Even if at time of predicted maximum the radiant elevation was very low over Europe (so it has not been possible to benefit of several hours of high meteor activity) meteor rates have been generally rather high and ZHR has remained over 60 hr-1 continuously for more than one day. First data collected by IMO indicate that the maximum actually occurred in the morning of Dec.14th. Read more at our 2010 Geminids Overview, on MMMonVHF MS-Propagationpage: Another major shower, the Quadrantids, is approaching. Quadrantids maximum is expected to occur on 2011 January 4th, 01:10 UT. Have a look to Quadrantids predictions and tips, together with those regarding remaining minor showers in December 2010 at our MS-Propagationpage: (Massimo, IV3NDC on behalf of the MMMonVHF Team) 26 Dec. 2010 AURORA Propagation-Page
at MMMonVHF. After some
months of developing we are today happy and proud to announce a
new Propagation page: "AURORA". As you know from the "SPORADIC
E" and "TROPO" Propagation pages you are able to
send in your report of worked (or heard) QSOs and we will spread
it in detail and make it visible. The goal of the new AURORA
page will be to go one step further: We will show the position of
the "reflecting AURORA curtain" (cloud) and in a later
stage possibly more features will be added... So welcome to the
new page and send in as much as possible reports to: (Peter PA3BIY & Dick PA2DW on behalf
of the MMMonVHF Team) 11
Dec. 2010 Meteorscatter Predicitions December 2010. December is, as usual, characterized by the return of one of the most active (and probably the most reliable) major annual showers The Geminids. Geminids maximum is expected to occur on December 14th, 11h UT, with ZHR = 120 hr-1 at peak. The Geminids peak is typically quite broad (thus ensuring a several-days-long period of good MS activity) , although the rates sometimes decay fairly quickly after the maximum. Have a look to Geminids predictions and tips, as well as those for other minor showers in December 2010 at our MS-Propagationpage: (Massimo, IV3NDC, via MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-11-25) 30 Nov. 2010 ConDX. MS Propagation Preview at MMMonVHF. Shower activity in July is concentrated around the end of the month. Most remarkable shower this month is Southern Delta-Aquariids, peaking July 28th. This medium-ZHR shower is characterized by relatively faint meteors, but its maximum can be quite broad, leading to similar ZHR from July 28th to 30th. Take also advantage of very good Sporadic Meteors rates: Sporadics rates are now approaching annual maximum, which will take place in late summer. Have a look to shower predictions for July 2010 at our MMM MS Propagationpage: (Massimo IV3NDC via MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-07-01) 1 Jul. 2010 ConDX. Meteor scatter. June is known for the return of three remarkable daytime showers. Major showers Arietids and Zeta-Perseids, peaking respectively on June 7th and June 9th in 2010, are both characterized by a broad maximum (with possible submaxima) and high ZHR value, thus making first half of June one of the best periods of the year for MS-Dxing Even Beta-Taurids, peaking June 28, is characterized by fairly good ZHR. Have a look to shower predictions for June 2010 at our MMM MS Propagationpage: (Massimo, IV3NDC via MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-06-03) 4 Jun. 2010 ConDX. Meteor observations by IAP OSWIN / SKiYMET systems. The VHF-MST radar OSWIN (JO54) operated by the Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics Kühlungsborn (IAP) has been recently switched to summer mode. The radar is now used exclusively to probe the mesosphere/LT (~ 78-115km height) and troposphere. This means for this period OSWIN is not used for any meteor trail observation and hence NO meteor occurrence rates or distributions are shown on the website. Alternatively I hardly recommend to have a look to the SKiYMET systems in JO64 operated by IAP as they are superior to OSWIN measurements regarding meteor observations. Read more and in detail (with some LINKS abt the Systems) at the MMMonVHF FORUM: (Toralf, DJ8MS via MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-05-27) 28 May 2010 ConDX. TV band 1 indicators... ConDX is rising. Today (April 8th) at 1220z Z21SIX was in for about 5 minutes. Signal up to S5. Frequency readout 50001.8 MHz. At this time there was a sporadic E link into that F2/TEP thing. A pity there were no humans. Good to hear this beacon after so many years of drought. (Max DK1MAX via UKSMG ann.) 9 Apr. 2010 ConDX/Solar. NASA Science News for March 12, 2010. A massive "current of fire" on the sun has started running at high speed, surprising researchers and challenging some models of the solar cycle. Full story at 12 Mar. 2010 ConDX. Steve VK3OT, writes; The first evening
TEP toe xtend into SOuthern VK occured on feb 21st which coincidentally
is about the last day to ever work Europe from here in 1989,1991,1992
and 1999. DX is comming! Hi, This is to inform the the members that on the 15th February at approx 0730z very weak central Asia/middle east TV video from Kazakhstan and Tajikistan was seen/heard at the 49.750MHz off set frequencies. The footprint is at this stage seems very defined in area; with no extensions into the Dubai area or north to Serov mo09 and westwards to the astrakhan northern Caucasus LN46bi UA6 areas. Best times so far are around the 0700 to 0830z time slot. At no time has a link up of region 3 to region 1 been observed. The best pre warning used to be the Scandinavians for us but Moscow ko85 240kw 49.747.400mhz is the next best. 73 Peter VK6KXW. (UKSMG ann.) 19 Feb. 2010 Con-DX. Hi all - have a look at - Firstly , what some of us have expected for years - "new" Meteor showers. Secondly - sighting of Stratospheric clouds - was a very nice display down here. - enjoy - something different to do when 50 isn't doing much itself. Ken G4IGO. 29 Jan. 2010 Con-DX. Meteorscatter. In February and March, Sporadic Meteors
reach their annual minimum of activity; anyway, MS-DXing is still
possible in 144 MHz, especially in the morning (when Sporadics have
their daily maximum) and over distances close to optimal (around
1300 Km). Only minor showers hit the Earth's atmosphere in February
and March. The most significant is Capricornids-Sagittariids, a
daytime shower, capable of providing fairly good meteor rates sometimes
at the end of January - early February. (MMMonVHF Newsletter 2010-01-29) 29 Jan. 2010