Antennas for 136kHz
136kHz Awards
last updated on 20 October 2000
European LF Award (ELFA)
The ELFA award programme has been designed to recognise amateur radio achievements on the new 136 kHz band, the only LF band currently allocated to the amateur service. Points may be claimed for contacts with CEPT member countries or countries that have implemented CEPT Recommendation T/R 61-01. The requirement for an ELFA 136kHz band diploma is 4 points and for an ELFA star award 10 points.
RSGB 136kHz Award
This award is to recognise achievements in both transmission and reception on the 136 kHz band, and to
stimulate experimentation and station improvement. The award is available in three categories : 2 way 136kHz, SWL and cross-band. The basic award is for confirmed two-way QSOs / SWL reports with 5 countries from the ARRL DXCC/WAE country list. Endorsements for additional 5 countries heard/worked.
136kHz Transatlantic Challenge
The LF Transatlantic Challenge is a memorial to the late Peter Bobek, DJ8WL/DA0LF, for his work on 160m and 136kHz. The DARC, AMRAD and RSGB are collectively sponsoring the Challenge. Two pairs of trophies are to be awarded one for each of the pair of amateur stations who make the first confirmed 2-way LF Transatlantic QSO on the 136kHz amateur allocation. Awards will also be issued for reception and distance records.
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