immunity to high signal levels, and especially to cross-band signals (70cm),
allowing full duplex
no-tune design (wide band input circuit and transformer-coupled output
2m version is detailed here, but 70cm is possible as well
Download the PDF
here for detailed construction notes. the PCB is designed to fit in a
GREENPAR inline box (or RS-components reference 456-201).
To check (adjust)
the bandstop filter, I used a wideband noise source and observed the results.
(Click on any picture to zoom)
The compact inline housing with BNC in/out -
it is not waterproof. I have used to power the unit with a feedthrough
capacitor instead of coax.
The box conveniently opens by removing only one screw.
View on the PCB with SMD components (the BF998 is as well a SMD)
The input coil is mounted under the PCB.
The PREAMP is of wideband design. Please note that for certain
applications, a narrow band design would be more desirable. Be sure that
the preamp is not overloaded by nearby FM broadcast or utility
VHF-signals etc
The actual performances:
+20 dB on 145 Mhz
> -40 dB on 430-440 MHz (stopband)
1 dB compression point : -15dBm on input
S11 not very good (SWR on input=18:1), S21 is
excellent (SWR on output < 1.1) !