Another ARDUINO based antenna rotor controller (AZ only)

Project presentation

Being interested in sporadic-E  (Es) propagation on 4 and 6m bands, I was looking for a possibility to control in azimuth my small YAGI antenna rotor (KENPRO / YAESU G400 type, with AC motor and no brake, stop in the NORTH) automatically, in particular from WSJT & N1MM software. (Note : if you are looking for AZ & EL control, see my other controller here). For controller with stop in SOUTH, I have as well a sketch which needs to be tested - please contact me for details !

However WSJT does not offer a possibility to control directly  an antenna rotors, but 'PstRotator' software does - see    by monitoring a 'status file' generated by WSJT during QSO's. 

A simple display is more than enough for my basic needs ...   

This software can be considered as the 'Swiss army knife' to control almost any existing rotor and interface to almost any software ... it was developed by  Codrut YO3DMU and is offered at a very reasonable cost..

As I absolutely wanted to keep the existing control box, an 'add-on' interface between PstRotator and the control box had to be considered.

The controller interface on top of the original control box

First of all, 2 relays were provided  in cascade to the 'LEFT' and 'RIGHT' switches of front panel, in such manner that the automatic control can give opposite commands to the manual switches, but by no means it is possible to have the motor rotating left & right simultaneously ;o).   There is plenty room left in the control box cabinet for adding the relays.

See schematic of mods below.


Then some DC voltage reflecting the antenna position must be taken from the box. This voltage must be varying - for a good readout accuracy - 'as much as possible' between azimuth 000° and 359°, but by no means go into negative polarity ... or additional circuits would be necessary. Ideally, it should vary between approx +1V and + 4V against control circuit 'ground' (in my case : the center tap of mains transformer).

Now, regarding to the ARDUINO sketch, there are several possibilities published on the web. The most complete solution is certainly proposed by K3NG, but for my purpose probably far to complicated to configure and put into operation, the sketch being as well too elaborated to modify for my simple requirements ...

I found another solution proposed by Viorel YO3RAK - see information  here . This sketch was more 'straightforward' and well documented to dig into it and consider as a good starting point ... not wanting to reinvent the wheel.


Specific functional requirements

The sketch written by Viorel is for  'EasyComm2' protocol, however PstRotator software (maybe in version 'Azimuth only' ?) can apparently only handle 'EasyComm1' protocol, which does not support  interrogation of actual antenna position and display on screen - it can only give commands ...  a pity :o(.

Therefore, I changed communication protocol to YAESU GS23, GS-232A and GS-232B which supports bi-directional data exchange, and is widely spread.  Only the basic commands were implemented, as per PstRotator functional features (this is : 'go to azimuth XXX,  read and return actual azimuth, and STOP rotation)

The sketch was streamlined to eliminate all 'elevation' matters, as only azimuth is considered, and read inputs from voltage instead as from encoders.

Further refinements were added :

The Arduino Nano board and 2x8 character LCD display are easily integrated in a small project box.


Schematic diagram

The project was realized with an ARDUINO Nano board, offering the advantage of being flashable by USB port. On this same USB port, you can connect your PC where the control software (PstRotator or other ...)  is running.

Instead of applying power to Arduino NANO via the 'VIN pin', better provide a µA7805 voltage regulator which will as well power the LCD display. As the backlight consumes about 50 mA, it is required to mount the voltage regulator on the project box casing to provide some cooling.

IMPORTANT :  it is absolutely necessary to protect the analog input of Arduino against a negative voltage and/or a level higher than +5 V  !  Even if your potentiometer does 'normally' produce a voltage within range, what happens when the control box is not connected to rotor .... or a potmeter becomes defective ??? See the 2 diodes provided for the protection.

Note : a buzzer was added at a later stage. it is  a piezo buzzer, powered from the +5V line, a BC547 (small signal NPN) transistor acts as driver, it's base connected by a 4k7 resistor to Arduino digital pin 6 - this is not drawn on above schematic diagram.

Arduino sketch

The original sketch was modified while not looking into crunching program code lines, as there is plenty room available in the Arduino....  The sketch was developed for controllers with stop in the NORTH - as usual for satellite tracking, EME etc. For controller with stop in SOUTH, I have as well a sketch  in Beta version - where stop in N or S is defined as a parameter - and  still needs to be tested - please contact me for details !

Below is the sketch  or download it here.   It was compiled with IDE version 1.8.13 - IMPORTANT : Should you get errors when compiling, use the same version of IDE !  You still can download previous versions from ARDUINO website .  

IMPORTANT: Please note that the software & device concept is presented 'as is' with no guarantees whatsoever and can be used free of license cost by individual  HAMs, but not  used for any commercial purpose, as the intellectual property remains entirely by the author. 

/*  AZ/EL Antenna Rotator controller for Arduino - DC motors
 *  ========================================================
 *  Uses EasyComm protocol for computer - Tracking Software
 *  Manual command by means of two rotary encoders AZ - EL
 *  Viorel Racoviteannu
 *  [email protected]
 * I cannot take any responsibility for missuse of this code
 * or any kind of damage it may occur from using this code.
 * dec 2020 v2 - improved serial comm stability
 * january 2021 - improved near target dead-zone, for which antenna won't move
 * apr 2021 - improved serial comm stability
 * jun 2021 - error proportional power for tracking movement

 ////////////// UPPER USB = COM 16 CH340  //////////////////////

 //////////////  DELL PC LEFT USB COM 12 //////////////////////


// V4 : implement interpolation between 8 ref positions
// V5 : limit motor running time to 1min15 = 75000 ms = OK
// V6 : stall detect , AZ not changing
// V7 : manual / software control mode + OK !
// V8 : LCD parallel 
//      STOP command software
// V9 : finetuning
// V10 : CW / CCW cast difference
// V11 : ERR display
// V12 : 27-02-2022: 500ms delay if motor direction is reversed while running
// V13 : Buzzer for error alert
// V14 : Random parking to avoid wear of pinions

/*   // FOR I2C LCD
#include <Wire.h> // Library for I2C communication
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // (Library for LCD)
// Wiring: SDA pin is connected to A4 and SCL pin to A5.
// Connect to LCD via I2C, default address 0x27 (A0-A2 not jumpered)
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 8, 2); // address, chars, rows.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12);

/* *****  for EA DIPS082 DISPLAY  2x 8 ******
 * LCD RS pin 4 to digital pin 7
 * LCD R/W pin 5 - put to GND
 * LCD Enable pin 6 to digital pin 8
 * LCD D4 pin 11 to digital pin 9
 * LCD D5 pin 12 to digital pin 10
 * LCD D6 pin 13 to digital pin 11
 * LCD D7 pin 14 to digital pin 12
 * LCD pin 1 = GND
 * LCD pin 2 = + 5v 80 mA
 * LCD pin 3 = contrast adjust), or adjust between 0 ... 5v by trimmer 

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

/***********************************THIS IS WHERE YOU REALY TWEAK THE ANTENNA MOVEMENT***************/
// ANTENNA potentiometers CALIBRATION  (counts)

#define  Az000 213                //begining of the potentiometer  (000°)
#define  Az045 321
#define  Az090 430
#define  Az135 525
#define  Az180 614
#define  Az225 697
#define  Az270 770
#define  Az315 840
#define  Az360 902              //end of the potentiometer 

// ************    ROTOR PARAMETERS   ************************************************************

// Allowed error for which antennna won't move. Minimum 1 degree
  int AzErr = 15;

// Angle difference where soft stop begins (for casting motor)
  int Amax_CW = 2;            // clockwise / right
  int Amax_CCW = 0;           // counter clockwise / right  

// max running time of rotor motor 1min15s
  long unsigned MotorRunTimeLimit = 75000 ;  

// max time motor can run if nu azimuth change detected (system stall)
int StallTimer = 5000 ;

// For PstRotator : Random parking band definition - e.g. '20' means + and - 10° around park set point in PstRotator 
int ParkBand = 20 ;      // Set to zero to disable this function. Must be < than 2x AzErr !

// ***********************************************************************************************
// other variables
  #define AzPotPin  A0        // select the input pin for the azim. potentiometer
  #define AzRotPin_CCW 3      // select the out pin for rotation direction
  #define AzRotPin_CW  4      // select the out pin for rotation direction 

  #define RS232pin    13      // RS-232 activity blinker 

  #define BuzzerPin      (6)  // pin for buzzer

  bool SoftControl = false;   // if controlled by software commands = true

  int TruAzim = 0;            // calculated real azimuth value
  int ComAzim = 0;            // commanded azimuth value
  int RepAzim = 0;            // reported Azimuth to software
  int RawAzim = 0;            // for interpolation
  int OldTruAzim = 0;         // to store previous azimuth value
  int OldComAzim = 0;
  char AzDir;                 // symbol for azim rot display

// flags for AZ tolerances
  bool AzStop = false;          // not used !!!!
  bool rotate = false;          // 'rotate command' active
  bool rotate_CW = true;         // flag rotate CW
//averaging loop
  const int numReadings = 5;     // averages the reading
  int readIndex = 0;             // the index of the current reading  
  int azimuth[numReadings];      // the readings from the analog input

  int totalAz = 0;               // the running total
  long unsigned LastDispUpdate;  // display update frequency 

  long unsigned LastBuzzer;       // Buzzer sounding 
  long unsigned AzimChangeTime;  // change of true azim detected 
  long unsigned MotorStartTime;  // start of motor
  long unsigned MotorStopTime;   // stop of motor 
  bool MotorErr = false;

  bool OFF = false;               // when rotor command box is OFF = true

// variables for serial comm
  String Azimuth = "";
  String Elevation = "";
  String ComputerRead;
  String ComputerWrite;
  long unsigned LastSerExch;
  long unsigned StopCmdTime;
  bool StopPrinted = false;          

  // build LCD specific characters 'degree'
  byte degree [8] = {

 // build LCD specific characters 'right'
  byte right [8] = {

 // build LCD specific characters 'left'
  byte left [8] = {

////////////////////  S E T U P  ///////////////////

void setup() {


  Serial.setTimeout(50);                         // sets the maximum milliseconds to wait for serial data. It defaults to 1000 milliseconds
                                                 // too long for PST rotator updates ...

 //  Initiate the LCD:   8 char x 2 rows

 /* Initiate the I2C LCD:


  lcd.createChar(1, degree);
  lcd.createChar(2, right);  
  lcd.createChar(3, left); 
  // pin declaration

  digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin left
  digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin right

  digitalWrite(RS232pin,  LOW);                     // RS232pin 
  pinMode(AzRotPin_CCW, OUTPUT);                    //declaring  azim. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT
  pinMode(AzRotPin_CW,  OUTPUT);                    //declaring  azim. rotation direction Pin as OUTPUT

  pinMode(RS232pin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(AzPotPin, INPUT);

  pinMode(BuzzerPin, OUTPUT);

  // write on display name and version
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);          // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);          // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
  lcd.print("V4 04-24");
    delay (250);
    delay (250);

  tone(BuzzerPin,2400,250);   // Frequency, duration
    //delay (250);
    //noTone (BuzzerPin);
  delay(1500);                  // keep for 1.5 seconds

  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);          // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.print("   by   "); 
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);          // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
  lcd.print(" ON7EQ");
  delay(1500);                  // keep for 1.5 seconds
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);          // Set the cursor on the first column first row.(counting starts at 0!)
  lcd.print(" YAESU");          
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);          // Set the cursor on the first column the second row
  lcd.print("  9k6");
  delay(1500);                  // keep for 1.5 seconds
  // display Azim.  value
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Az  --- ");  
  lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1); 
  lcd.print("Ctl --- ");   

  // this is to set azim-command the same value as real, not to jerk the antenna at start-up
  RawAzim = analogRead(AzPotPin);
  if (                        (RawAzim <= Az045))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az000, Az045,   0,  45));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az045)  and (RawAzim <= Az090))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az045, Az090,  45,  90));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az090)  and (RawAzim <= Az135))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az090, Az135,  90, 135));  
  if ((RawAzim  > Az135)  and (RawAzim <= Az180))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az135, Az180, 135, 180));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az180)  and (RawAzim <= Az225))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az180, Az225, 180, 225));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az225)  and (RawAzim <= Az270))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az225, Az270, 225, 270));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az270)  and (RawAzim <= Az315))  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az270, Az315, 270, 315));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az315)                        )  TruAzim = (map(RawAzim, Az315, Az360, 315, 359));

  //TruAzim = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), AzMin, AzMax, 0, 359));      // azimuth value 0-359 , for linear pot
  if (TruAzim<0) {TruAzim=0;}
  if (TruAzim>359) {TruAzim=359;}  // keep values between limits

// initialize all the readings
  for (int thisReading = 0; thisReading < numReadings; thisReading++) {
    azimuth[thisReading] = 0;

  ComAzim = TruAzim;

  OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
  OldComAzim = ComAzim;


  AzimChangeTime = millis ();

  LastBuzzer = millis();

  randomSeed(analogRead(AzPotPin));                                  // generate random for parking

  if (ParkBand > (2 * AzErr)) ParkBand = 2 * AzErr;                    // ParkBand can't be > than 2x AzErr !

////////////////////// L O O P /////////////////////
void loop() {

// Sound buzzer for motor error

      if ((millis() - LastBuzzer > 2000) and (MotorErr == true)) {
              tone(BuzzerPin,2400,500);   // Frequency, duration
              //delay (500);
              //noTone (BuzzerPin);
              LastBuzzer = millis();

  totalAz = totalAz - azimuth[readIndex];
  // read from the sensor:

  RawAzim = analogRead(AzPotPin);

  if (RawAzim < 150 ) {               // detect if CONTROLLER is powered
            OFF = true;
     else OFF = false;
  if (                        (RawAzim <= Az045))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az000, Az045,   0,  45));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az045)  and (RawAzim <= Az090))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az045, Az090,  45,  90));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az090)  and (RawAzim <= Az135))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az090, Az135,  90, 135));  
  if ((RawAzim  > Az135)  and (RawAzim <= Az180))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az135, Az180, 135, 180));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az180)  and (RawAzim <= Az225))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az180, Az225, 180, 225));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az225)  and (RawAzim <= Az270))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az225, Az270, 225, 270));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az270)  and (RawAzim <= Az315))  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az270, Az315, 270, 315));
  if ((RawAzim  > Az315)                        )  azimuth[readIndex] = (map(RawAzim, Az315, Az360, 315, 359));
  //azimuth[readIndex] = (map(analogRead(AzPotPin), Az000, Az360, 0, 359));   /// For linear pot
  // add the reading to the total:
  totalAz = totalAz + azimuth[readIndex];
  // advance to the next position in the array:
  readIndex = readIndex + 1;
  // if we're at the end of the array, wrap around to the beginning:
  if (readIndex >= numReadings) {readIndex = 0;}
  // calculate the average:
  TruAzim = totalAz / numReadings;  
  if (TruAzim<0) {TruAzim=0;}
  if (TruAzim>359) {TruAzim=359;}  // keep values between limits

// update antenna true position display
    if ((millis()- LastDispUpdate) > 100){                       //not to flicker the display
        LastDispUpdate = millis();

          if (RawAzim < 150 ) {
                        lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
                        lcd.print ("OFF");
                        OFF = true;            

          if (OFF == true) {
                        lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
                        lcd.print ("OFF");
          else if (abs(OldTruAzim - TruAzim)>1 )  {                   // eliminate last digit jitter in display and PC software
            AzimChangeTime = millis();                                //reset azimuth change timer
            RepAzim = TruAzim;                                                                                           

if ( (millis() - AzimChangeTime > StallTimer) and (rotate == true)) {         // Check for motor stall
            MotorErr = true;                                                  //No AZ change during > stalltimer while rotate command active --> ERROR !
            digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                                  // deactivate rotation pin left
            digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                                  // deactivate rotation pin right 
            lcd.setCursor(3, 0); 
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(7, 0);         
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 

// every 0,1 seconds looking for serial communication

if ((millis()- LastSerExch) > 100){  
    digitalWrite(RS232pin,  LOW); 
    LastSerExch = millis();
    if (Serial.available() > 0) {
      digitalWrite(RS232pin,  HIGH);      // blink LED

// update command target position display
  if (ComAzim != OldComAzim) {
    SoftControl = true;                     // we have received a command from software
    AzimChangeTime = millis () ;            // reset AZ change timer, keep before rotating antenna

// this is to rotate in azimuth
  if (TruAzim == ComAzim) {                // if equal, stop moving

              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin left
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                  // deactivate rotation pin right 
              rotate = false;                                   // AzMotor stopped
              SoftControl = false;                              // back to manual mode         
              lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
                if (MotorErr == false) {
                lcd.print(" - ");     
    else if ((abs(ComAzim-TruAzim) <= Amax))  {                         // uitloop motor, STOP !
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin left
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin right 
              rotate = false;                                           // AzMotor stopped
              SoftControl = false ;                                     // back to manual mode             
              lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");     
    else if ((abs(ComAzim-TruAzim) <= Amax_CW) and (rotate_CW == true))  {   // uitloop motor, STOP !
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin left
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin right 
              rotate = false;                                           // AzMotor stopped
              SoftControl = false ;                                     // back to manual mode             
              lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
                if (MotorErr == false) {
                lcd.print(" - ");     
    else if ((abs(ComAzim-TruAzim) <= Amax_CCW) and (rotate_CW == false))  {   // uitloop motor, STOP !
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin left
              digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                          // deactivate rotation pin right 
              rotate = false;                                           // AzMotor stopped
              SoftControl = false ;                                     // back to manual mode             
              lcd.setCursor(3, 0);
              lcd.print(" ");
              lcd.setCursor(7, 0);
              lcd.print(" "); 
              lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
                    if (MotorErr == false) {
                    lcd.print(" - ");     

    else if ((abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)<=AzErr)&&(rotate == true) && (SoftControl == true)) {  // if in tolerance, but it wasn't an equal, rotate
              if (MotorErr == false) {
              else {                                              // MotorErr = true !
                digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                  // we have motor error
                digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                  // 
    else if ((abs(TruAzim - ComAzim)>AzErr) && (SoftControl == true)){       // if target is off tolerance
              if (MotorErr == false) {
                  AzimRotate();                                    // rotate
              else {                                              // MotorErr = true !
                digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                  // we have motor error
                digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                  //  

////   Clear STOP in display

    if ((millis()- StopCmdTime > 3000)   and  (StopPrinted == true)) {
        lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
        lcd.print(" - ");
        StopPrinted = false;

//  delay(20);                      //pause the program for x ms


////////////// procedures definitions  //////////////

//////// Display actual rotor azimuth   ///////////

void DisplTruAzim() {
  lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
  if (TruAzim<10) {
    else if (TruAzim<100) {
    else {lcd.print(TruAzim);}
    OldTruAzim = TruAzim;
// ************** FOR CALIBRATION PURPOSES **************

          lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
          lcd.print (analogRead(AzPotPin));
          lcd.print ("  ") ;


/////// Display command azimuth  //////////////

void DisplComAzim(){

         lcd.setCursor(4, 1);
          if (ComAzim<10) {
            else if (ComAzim<100) {
            else {lcd.print(ComAzim);}
           //lcd.print (String(char(223)));      // degrees
          OldComAzim = ComAzim;



////////// Rotate antenna  //////////////////////

void AzimRotate() {
    if (rotate == false ) MotorStartTime = millis();
    if ((ComAzim-TruAzim) > (TruAzim-ComAzim))   {                            // this to determine direction of rotation
        // ROTATE RIGHT - CW        
        if ((rotate == false ) and (MotorErr == false)) MotorStartTime = millis();
        digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                                      // deactivate rotation pin left

        if ((rotate_CW == false) and (rotate == true)) delay (500);           // allow time to treverse motor, if rotation inversed
        if (millis() - MotorStartTime < MotorRunTimeLimit) {
                if (MotorErr == false ) digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW, HIGH);      //  rotate right
                rotate = true;
                rotate_CW = true;
                AzimChangeTime = millis () ;                                  // reset AZ change timer at start of rotation
                AzDir = char(126);
                  }                               // "->"
                else {
                  digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW, LOW);                             // stop if running too long
                  lcd.setCursor(3, 0); 
                  lcd.print(" ");
                  lcd.setCursor(7, 0);         
                  lcd.print(" ");
                  lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
                  MotorErr = true;

      else {

        // ROTATE LEFT - CCW

        if ((rotate == false ) and (MotorErr == false)) MotorStartTime = millis();
        digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW, LOW);                                       // deactivate rotation pin right

        if ((rotate_CW == true) and (rotate == true)) delay (500);            // allow time to treverse motor, if rotation inversed
        if (millis() - MotorStartTime < MotorRunTimeLimit) {
                if (MotorErr == false ) digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, HIGH);     //  rotate left
                rotate = true;
                rotate_CW = false;
                AzimChangeTime = millis () ;                                  // reset AZ change timer at start of rotation                
                AzDir = char(127);
                }                              // "<-"
          else {
            digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                                            // stop if running too long
            lcd.setCursor(3, 0); 
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(7, 0);         
            lcd.print(" ");
            lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
            MotorErr = true;


// Print direction arrows

  if (AzDir == char(126)) {               //CW or turning right
        lcd.setCursor(3, 0); 
        lcd.print(" ");
        lcd.setCursor(7, 0);         
  if (AzDir == char(127)) {               //CCW or turning left
        lcd.setCursor(7, 0); 
        lcd.print(" ");
        lcd.setCursor(3, 0);         

///////// Handle serial communication  /////////////

void SerComm() {
  // initialize readings
  ComputerRead = "";
  Azimuth = "";

  while(Serial.available()) {
    ComputerRead= Serial.readString();                  // read the incoming data as string (in this case, default timeout = 1 sec unless declared)
//    Serial.println(ComputerRead);                     // echo the reception for testing purposes
// looking for command : YAESU style : Mxxx   = Move to azimuth XXX
        for (int i = 0; i <= ComputerRead.length(); i++) {
         if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'M')   and (MotorErr == 0)){                                      // if read AZIMUTH command
                for (int j = i+1; j <= ComputerRead.length(); j++) {
                if (isDigit(ComputerRead.charAt(j))) {                            // if the character is number
                  Azimuth = Azimuth + ComputerRead.charAt(j);
                else {break;}

        if (ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'S'){                                       // if read STOP command
                  SoftControl = false;                                            // halt software control
                  rotate = false;                                                 // interrupts rotate command
                  digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CCW, LOW);                                // deactivate rotation pin left
                  digitalWrite(AzRotPin_CW,  LOW);                                // deactivate rotation pin right
                  MotorErr = false;                                               // manual reset of motor error condition 
                  lcd.setCursor(3, 0); 
                  lcd.print(" ");
                  lcd.setCursor(7, 0);         
                  lcd.print(" ");
                  lcd.setCursor(4, 1); 
                  StopPrinted = true;
                  StopCmdTime = millis(); 
                  tone(BuzzerPin,2400,150);   // Frequency, duration   

// if <AZxx> received
    if (Azimuth != ""){
      ComAzim = Azimuth.toInt();

// if PARK command issued from PSTrotator : First STOP, immediately followed by MOVE

   if (millis() - StopCmdTime < 500) {

      ComAzim = ComAzim - ParkBand/2 ;                   // park position within Park Band
      ComAzim = ComAzim + random(0,ParkBand+1);

      ComAzim = (ComAzim+360)%360;     // keeping values between limits
      if (OFF == false) {
              tone(BuzzerPin,2400,30);   // Frequency, duration
         else {
              tone(BuzzerPin,2400,30);   // Frequency, duration
              delay (80);
              tone(BuzzerPin,2400,30);   // Frequency, duration              
              delay (80);
              tone(BuzzerPin,2400,30);   // Frequency, duration

// looking for <AZ> interogation for antenna position   / YAESU protocol = 'C'   reply is +0xxx    xxx = azimuth  
  for (int i = 0; i <= (ComputerRead.length()); i++) {
    if ((ComputerRead.charAt(i) == 'C')  and (millis() > 6000)  ){    /// give some time to average position, so PstRotataor indicates set AZ as actual AZ
    // send back the antenna position <+0xxx>
      ComputerWrite = "+0"+String(RepAzim);