
ON4WRC - West Vlaamse Radio Club member of the UBA Belgium Amateur Radio Association.




Each year members of our radio club are make the move to the island of “Schouwen Duiveland” in the Netherlands to participate in the annually IOTA contest.
Reason for this location choice is simple, this is the nearest location from our QTH, qualifying for this contest according to the RSGB IOTA contest rules. This move is like a real DX expedition, all needed Radio equipments, antennas, masts, computers for logging, WIFI links for the network, catering, camping equipment, powering equipment must travel with us.
The preparation and testing of the equipments is always starting long before the Big day. The antennas are always fine tuned and tested during the Fieldday, this is also a general repetition for the complete team in building up a complete Radio shack.
We as team are able know to build up a operational shack in 5 hours. A must for this kind of expedition where we need a two hour’s drive from our QTH to the Location for the IOTA contest.
The equipments used.
Two transmitters, one as “Running station” and one as “Multi player station”. Mikes, CW keys, Headsets and Speakers. Power supply’s.
Two desktop computers with logging software N1MM. (the CPU are made from old out-sorted parts and dedicated for this purpose).
Home brew interface for driving the tranciever by the N1MM log program. And this as well for CW, SSB and the logging. For more information on this fabulous program made by a team of Hams, see on this website ;
Home brew Band filters one build according the instructions coming from the Ugly filter project added with a automated switching for control by N1MM prog.Link to the filter project from the NVARC club;

40m Vertical. (2ea).
80m Vertical.
40m & 80m inverted V.
3 El Beam.
Antenna switch SIX pack, and the WRC antenna switch Home brew.
WIFI links for the internal network.
Power break supply. Monitors for IT.
A lot of cables, plugs and spare connectors.
Antenna base mast. Rotor and platform.
Paper and pens for the case the IT systems break down.
MFJ SWR analyzer, multimeter and last but not least a soldering iron and solder wire.
Food & beverages for two days, a lot of coffee to stay awake, sleeping bags.
Spirit and good mouth.
