/* UIDIGI Configuration source file Versione 1.8 BETA 6 20001228 Written by Marco Savegnago IW3FQG */ // Set the digipeater ax.25 address callsign (with SSID if necessary) DigipeaterCallsign = OK0XX-2 // Set the digipeater address alias (without SSID if necessary) DigipeaterAlias = XXDIGI // Destination ax.25 address of beacon BeaconDestination = ANU186 // Destination ax.25 address of aux input device string AuxDestination = AUX // AX.25 Beacon 1 path Beacon1Path = TRACE4-4 // AX.25 Beacon 2 path Beacon2Path = TRACE4-4 // AX.25 Beacon 3 path Beacon3Path = TRACE4-4 // AX.25 Aux path AuxPath = // North Path NorthPath = // South Path SouthPath = // East Path EastPath = // West Path WestPath = // BudList Calls (up to 8, default none) BudList = // UI Generic Calls (up to 8) UIDigiCall = RELAY, WIDE, TRACE // UI Flood Call UIFloodCall = WIDE // UI Trace Call UITraceCall = TRACE // Txdelay (default 30 = 300) TxDelay = 20 // Preempt calls (default none) PreemptCalls = // Preempt add (default none) PreemptAdd = // Fullduplex (default 0) FullDuplex = 0 // PPErsistence (default 64) PPersistance = 64 // Slottime (default 10) SlotTime = 10 // Frack (default 5) Frack = 5 // Maxframe (default 4) Maxframe = 4 // Retry (default 10) Retry = 10 // RespTime 2 (default 100) RespTime = 100 // Link Check (default 18000) LinkCheck = 18000 // Beacon 1 interval (default 600) Beacon1Interval = 2700 // Beacon 2 interval (default 1800) Beacon2Interval = 2700 // Beacon 3 interval (default 3600) Beacon3Interval = 2700 // Beacon 1 offset (default 0) Beacon1Offset = 0 // Beacon 2 offset (default 0) Beacon2Offset = 900 // Beacon 3 offset (default 0) Beacon3Offset = 1800 // Aux Beacon interval (default 0) AuxRate = 0 // Duplicate Packet Suppression Interval second (default 28) DuplicateSuppression = 28 // Loop Packet Suppression Interval Mask (default 3) // 0x01 = Do not repeat frame with source address equal to digipeater call or alias // 0x02 = Do not repeat frame with the digipeater call in the already digipeated via list LoopSuppression = 3 // Treat different SSID in destination call (default 1) HandleUISSID = 1 // Reply to Query (default 1) ReplyToQuery = 1 // UIFLOOD Algorithm flag (default 0) // bit 0 make call substitution after the last WIDEn-n digied // bit 1 insert callsign before WIDEn-n UIFLOODOptions = 0 // UITRACE Algorithm flag (default 0) // bit 0 make call substitution after the last TRACEn-n digied UITRACEOptions = 0 // Make call substitution when repeat frames addressed to UIDIGI Callsign // default (1) UIDIGICallSubstitution = 1 // PID of processed frames (default 240) UIPID = 240 // Preempt Digipeater (default 0) PreemptedDigipeat = 0 // Sysop Password up to 80 char SysopPassword = zdenapistesveheslo // Digipeater Info Text up to 80 char InfoText = APRS DIGI Plzen (SySop: OK1JFH - Josef - cink@chmi.cz) // Digipeater Beacon 1 Text up to 70 char Beacon1Text = !4944.56NU01322.88E#APRS Digi Plzen * JN69QR * APRS ONLY // Digipeater Beacon 2 Text up to 70 char Beacon2Text = !4944.56NU01322.88E#TEST * Homepage: www.qsl.net/ok1kfh // Digipeater Beacon 3 Text up to 70 char Beacon3Text = !4944.56NU01322.88E#Sysop: OK1JFH * Josef * cink@chmi.cz