Qsl.net AD
A Czech Amateur Radio station

WW loc: JO70eq, DISTR: ECL, WAZ 15, ITU 28

QSL bureau: P.O. Box 69, 113 27 PRAHA 1, Czech Republic, EUROPE

Paper Mail:   Zbynek Trojan, Velka Javorska 7, Zandov, Czech Republic
Phone: +420 480 020 133 - Czech, English, German, Russian 
Skype:  ok1mpx-

Preferencies: Packet Radio, HAMNET, VHF/UHF, preparation of a new QTH for living and activity on HF bands, contest site building, ...
Czech Radio Klub, OK-QRP Club (#331), RSYSMensa Czech Republic (#3354), HAMSIG, Contest team OL4N,
responsible operator of OK1OCL and OK1RCL, an amateur station for children and hobby group of radio engineering, responsible operator of OK0NI and OK0NIC packet radio nodes

Job: Electrical site manager, PLC programmer, commissioning engineer, service technician 

Previous job:  Electrical project planning & programming machines especialy for automotive industry
Previous activity:  
contest site OL7D building,
Previous QTH: Ceska lipa, JO70eq, Novy Bor JO70gs

  (M-D-Y)  (east USA time)

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last update 3.May 2015