From: DJ7ST @ DB0ABZ.#NDS.DEU.EU                     25-Mar-2004
c/o Dr.Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST
Schlesierweg 13

Dear YL & OM,

To reach one's goal with minimal consumption of materials demands a feeling for essentials and encourages the art of self-restraint.

In the meaning of an active dealing with elementary ham-radio the  QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY invites you to take part in the


Challenge: Contacts to be made with homebrew rigs as simple as possible and constructed of as few components as possible.

Date: May 20th, 2004 (Ascencion Day) ; 1900-2300 UTC
Single Op CW, Output < 5W or Input < 10W
BAND: 80m CW-Band                 CALL: (cq) mas de...
CLASS A: TX+RX resp. TRX consisting of not more than 100 components
CLASS B: TX consisting of not more than 50 components,  RX as you like
EXCHANGE: RST/Class and number of components, e.g.: 559/B25 (feel free to exchange name and small talk)

QSO-Pts: Any QSO will be counted 1 point. 4 points will be counted for a QSO with another MAS-stn whose log has been received.

BONUS: You will get bonus-points in percentages if you stay below the limit of components permitted for your class, e.g. a 50% bonus will be added to your final score if you only use 25 components (instead of max. 50) for your TX in class B or only 50 parts for your TRX in class A (instead of max. 100). Correspondingly 90 parts in class A or 45 parts in class B would mean a 10% bonus.

REMARKS: Components will be the following: Resistors, capacitors, coils, diodes, transistors, tubes, crystals, ceramic resonators etc.. 
Any selective network in the TX output stage will be counted as if consisting of 3 components. For a better suppression of harmonics you are free to use more components - they will not be counted.
IC's are permitted as long as YOU(!) can give a specification of HOW MANY single components are integrated. Plugs, connectors, knobs, fastening material etc. will NOT be counted. This also applies to power supply, headphones, speaker, key, antenna etc.

LOGS: Must contain UTC, call of stn wkd, RST sent & rcvd (see EXCHANGE).
Please give your callsign, full address and possibly PR-mailbox.

URGENT: A circuit diagram of rig used with NUMBERED (=counted from left to right) components has to be enclosed (and an IC specification if used)! There is no absolute need to indicate kOhm, pF etc. or type. (It is not necessary to send a circuit diagram for a second time, if the same equipment has been used in an earlier QRP-MAS)

DEADLINE: Within 2 weeks after qrp-mas to:
DJ7ST, Dr. Hartmut Weber, Schlesierweg 13, D-38228 SALZGITTER


The QRP-MAS is rather well-known in DL. But not yet in the neighbourhood.
Please help us to improve the degree of fame of this event.
We would be pleased to hear many qrp-minimalists from your country.

There are some weekends left for your qrp-mas weekend project:

Why not try the "Michigan Mighty Mite" as published in SPRAT No. 105, p.35, built from just 8 components? A list of other suitable articles mainly from "SPRAT" and "QRP-REPORT" will be uploaded as "QRP-MAS-Projects" into the Packet-Net. Please find YOUR QRP-MAS-weekend project there.

As the QRP-MAS is no real contest (there is no exchange of control-numbers!),so the frequency-range 3560-3580 is allowed, too. Easy and cheap to get 3.579 kHz-xtals may serve as a basis for newcomers in qrp-minimal-art. In series with a 200pf variable C and an L of about 60-90 æH you will obtain a reasonable "frequency-window" from about 3579 down to 3575 kHz.

hpe cuagn in the qrp-mas!
best 73/2 de

"Hal", DJ7ST






The QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY (qrpcc)                           March 19th, 2001

c/o Dr.Hartmut Weber, DJ7ST

Schlesierweg 13





Dear YL&OM,


"it needs some days of preparation" so The QRP-CONTEST-COMMUNITY

invites you in good time to take part in the


Q R P - M I N I M A L - A R T - S E S S I O N   (qrp-mas)


Challenge:    Contacts to be made with rigs as simple as possible and

                   constructed of as few components as possible.


Date:         May 24th, 2001, May 9th 2002 (Ascencion Day);  1900-2300 UTC


MODE:      Single Op CW, Output < 5W or Input < 10W

BAND:      80m CW-Band

CALL:       qrpmas


CLASS A:  TX+RX resp. TRX consisting of not more than 100 components

CLASS B:  TX: 50 components maximum, RX as you like


EXCHANGE:  RST/Class and number of components, e.g.: 559/B25

                   (feel free to exchange name and small talk... if condx permit)


QSO-Points:  Any QSO will be counted 1 point.

                4 points will be counted for a QSO with a MAS-stn

                whose log has been received for checking.


BONUS-Points: You will get bonus-points in percentages if you stay below the

              limit of components permitted for your class

              (e.g. a 50% bonus will be added to your final score if you only

              use 25 components instead of max. 50 for your TX in class B

              or a 20% bonus for a TRX with 80 components).


REMARKS:      Components will be the following:

              Resistors, capacitors, coils, diodes, transistors, tubes,

              crystals, ceramic resonators etc.. Any selective network in

              the TX output stage will be counted as if consisting of 3

              components. For a better suppression of harmonics you are free

              to use more (passive) components - they will not be counted.


              IC's are permitted as long as the user can give any proof

              (specification) of HOW MANY single components they may contain.

              (But of course you still may take part in Class B, if your TRX

              has too many ICs in its RX-section).

              Plugs, connectors, knobs, fastening material and similar

              hardware won't be counted. This also applies to power supply,

              headphones, speaker, key, antenna, casing etc.


LOGS:         Must contain UTC, call of stn wkd, RST sent&rcvd (see EXCHANGE)

              Please give your callsign, full address and possibly MyBBS.


URGENT:       A circuit diagram of rig(s) used with NUMBERED (=counted from

              left to right) components MUST be enclosed

              (and an IC specificationn if used)!

              There is no absolute need to indicate kOhm, pF etc. or type.


DEADLINE:     Within 2 weeks after qrp-mas to: DJ7ST, Dr.Hartmut Weber,

              Schlesierweg 13, D-38228 SALZGITTER, Germany

              (Logs via Packet-Radio to DJ7ST@DB0ABZ are appreciated)




A list of suitable articles and circuit diagrams in QRP-Report (DL-QRP-AG),

CQ-DL (DARC) and mainly SPRAT (each last 4 years issues) will be uploaded

into packet <qrp@dloe> and <qrp@eu> within some days.


Maybe you like to rummage through old issues of QST, RadCom etc. yourself?

Have fun -and please send me your findings, if not yet listed!


Too simple for you, but not unpleasant?

How about giving your point to the qrp-minimalists at Ascension Day?


"Simple -but not undemanding" you'll probably find when finally your rig is

prepared for qrp-mas.  


Let's hear your minimal art!



"Hal", Hartmut, DJ7ST