TK / OK1CJN   Corsica          grid loc: JN41RX and JN42IB

We visited Corsica as family trip by autumn of year 2005 and were accomodated both at western and eastern side of it. Our small group travelled by big car, and I was able to make QRP HF and VHF QSOs with Germany, Austria, Slovenia and Italia during our move and at travel stops.

Tranceiver used was QRP FT817.
Antennas for 2m band:     GP fixed at the roof of the car   and   Portable 4-element Log-periodic antenna at short fishing rod.

HF antenna was lambda/2 wire vertical tuned for 20m band - fed at its bottom (high impedance end) from small parallel LC circuit. It was used either mounted at the back of the car (when camping) or fixed at the rock or sand close to salt water of the Meditorian See.
Close proximity to salt water was very interesting experience for me and surprise. I expected some reasonable influence on signal strength, but not such a big one. I needed to switch off preamplifier and swich on attenuator to prevent overloading of receiver circuits.

The best of all results at 20m band were 3 QSOs with VK2FHC and VK2EKO != LONG PATH - SSB =! with my QRP 5W and vertical wire antenna standing at the sand (picture below).

L/2 20m band vertical nr. Tiuiccia, Corsica L/2 vertical nr. Tiuiccia, Corsica during SSB QSO with VK2FHC long path

I also made nice QSOs at 2m band with 5W and LogPeriodic antenna from balcony of our appartment during IARU Region1 VHF Contest. Majority by SSB, few by CW. Mainly to EA (500km to 800 km distance), EA6 and F. The greatest distance was SSB QSO to Morocco CN2MI - 1269 km. Average distance of all QSOs was 648 km. Azimuths free available to me at JN42IB were between south of France and azimuth to Morocco. All other were hidden behind Corsica mountains.