Power supply 12V/20A
In fact there is nothing special on this power supply except of doubling
the voltage for the control circuit. The surplus military transformer has only
two 15V/25A windings. That's quite enough for getting the output DC voltage
of 12-13V, but the control circuit with L200 needs a bit more. The voltage
on C2 varies between 20 to 14 volts, according to the output load. The
voltage on C1 is then 33-40 volts. Unfortunately this is to much for
L200, so I had to add a simple stabilizer with T1 and D5. The rest is a
designer's classics. The reference voltage should be taken through
R4 and R5 directly from the output clamps.
D1 and D2 are 25A rectifier
diodes, D3 and D4 are 1N5401 or other common types. KD606 is a 50W/10A/60V
NPN transistor.