Australia RF 107 (Mar '95)

Spectrum Management Agency

Application for Examination / Certificate of Proficiency


1. Please complete CLEARLY and forward to the Area Manager.

2. A fee of $ 10 must accompany the application for a ROCP application. Cheques should be made payable to the Receiver of Public Monies - Spectrum Management Agency (SMA).

3. ROCP examinations may be conducted by mutual arrangement between the applicant and any of the offices.

4. ROCP certificates shall not be issued to a person who has not attained the prescribed age of 16. Applicants must be prepared to produce documentary evidence of their age.

5. A passport type photograph of the operator should accompany this application for all amateur certificates.

6. GMDSS examinations may be conducted by the SMA under special circumstances. Fees apply.

Applicant's Details

Surname (use BLOCK letters)


Given Name(s)


Address (postcode)




Telephone Numbers (work / home)



Town, State and Country of Birth


Date of Birth & Height


Distinguishing Features


Signature & Date


Examination / Certificate Information

Please indicate whether application is for certificate issue only or accompanied by original proof of successful completion of examination.

Examinations for Amateur certificates are conducted by the Wireless Institute of Australia (WIA). GMDSS Examinations are conducted by a number of colleges. Certificates and information about courses are available from Australian Maritime Safety Authority.

Restricted Operator's Certificate of Proficiency (ROCP) - Radiotelephony

Restricted Operator's Certificate of Proficiency (ROCP) - Radiotelephony and Radiotelegraphy

GMDSS General Operator's Certificate

GMDSS 1st Class Radio Electronic Certificate

Amateur Operator's Certificate of Proficiency (AOCP)

Amateur Operator's Limited Certificate of Proficiency (AOLCP)

Novice Amateur Operator's Certificate of Proficiency (NAOCP)

Examination Report (Office Use Only)

Receipt Details (Office Use Only)

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