Filexx features:

- Select files
     - with the mouse
     - with the labels (.txt etc)
     - with a string in the file names
     - with the date modified
- Find a string in the selected files
- Find a string in the selected file names
  With this option it is easy to rename a group of photos from the same theme f.ex.P1030301.jpg, P1030302.jpg etc. taken in a circus to Circus01.jpg, Circus02.jpg etc. 
- Replace a string in files
- Replace a string in file names
- Make all selected file names lowercase
- Make all selected first letter uppercase
- Copy selected files to another place
- Delete all selected
- Print directory file list

New version 2.0 [4/5/2010]

Note: Filexx (254 Kb) is part of the Waker III program.

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Please test before use !  No guarantees may be given for the complete function of all the options.

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