Rudolf  Köll

Mayor of Tarrenz

Year: 1956

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel. 05412/63352-73



Stefan Ruetz

Head of local authority, Finance-administration, bookkeeping and cash-natures

Year: 1971

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel. 05412/63352-72


Ing. Michael Baumann

First Secretary of local authority.
Local planning authority

Born: 1976

email: [email protected]
Tel. 05412/63352-71



Martina Köll


Responsible for registration and general administration

E-mail: [email protected]

Tel. 05412/63352-74


Peter Doblander


Year: 1962

Tel. 05412/63352-78

Mobile Phone  0664/5914092


Richard Doblander

Foreman, Timberyard, snow-evacuation

Year: 1952

Mobile Phone  0664/4950277


Erich Rieder


Born: 1961

Mobile Phone  0676/5617213


Rainer Lung

Caretaker in the Volksschule and  "Mehrzweckgebäude" (General-Purpose-Building next to the Volksschule)

born: 1963

Mobile Phone 0664/4300741