History of the ARRL November Sweepstakes

The ARRL November Sweepstakes has been a major ham radio event since 1930.
The following history was compiled from QST magazines back to 1970.

Rules changes:
1930: First Sweepstakes, announced in Jan, results in May.  
1930: One entry class.  68 sections.
1930: Message had to be at least 10 words long.

1964: Shortened from 40 hours to 24 hours
1969: Low Power Multiple dropped (First year of Low Power records)
1971: Exchange changed to drop the QSO time and birthday from end of exchange.
1972: Low Power changed from 150 watts to 200 watts or less, DC input.
1972: New disqualification criteria.
1974: Contest weekends changed: CW 1st (was 3rd), Phone 3rd (was 2nd).  
1974: One-point QSOs no longer count.  QSO must be acknowledged by both.
1974: Certificates awarded to top high AND LOW power section winners.
1976: Bicentennial awards for 200 QSOs
1980: 160 through 10 meters specified
1980: Off times now must be 30 minutes (was 15 minutes)
1980: Increased penalties for dupes (three additional QSOs removed)
1983: Low Power changed to 150 watts output.
1983: Golden Anniversary awards for 200 QSOs+, whisk broom for sweep
1987: Added QRP category (class Q)
1990: Pins available for making 100 QSOs.
1990: Suggested Frequencies for slow speed CW added.
1991: Mugs for Clean Sweeps.
1992: Plaques for Division Winners.
1999: Added U, M, and S entry categories.

Club Rules changes:
1974: Club rules clarified (66% multiop, 4 meetings)
1978: Expanded Club Competition Awards

Section changes:

1973: Florida Sections changed January 1, 1973 (from WFL, EFL to NFL, SFL)
1975: Hawaii section is renamed to Pacific (effective mid-1975, not sure when SS changed)
1979: Canal Zone no longer a section.  Total now 74.
1987: West Texas added (effective January 1, 1987).  Total now 75
1988: West Indies is split between Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands.  Total now 76.
1989: Western Washington.  Total now 77.
1996: Northern New York.  Total now 78.
1997: Newfoundland/Labrador.  Total now 79.
2000: West Central Florida.  Total now 80.

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