Repeater operating mode |
DMR - Digital Mobile Radio (TDMA technology). |
DSTAR - Digital Smart Technologies for Amateur Radio. DD=data, DV=digital voice. |
FM - Wideband analog FM repeater. |
FMN - Narrowband analog FM repeater. |
FUSION - Yaesu System Fusion, C4FM digital and analog FM. |
NXDN - Icom/Kenwood NXDN (FDMA technology). |
P25 - APCO 25, Phase 1 or Phase 2. |
Access method used by analog FM or DMR repeaters. |
Analog FM input CTCSS tone or DMR CC color code. |
P25 NAC and FUSION DSQ shown in NOTES/LINKS if available. |
Repeater notes. |
Linked frequency. Details not shown for all linked systems. |
multi-mode - each mode listed separately as a repeater entry. |
DSQ - FUSION Digtial Squelch. |
NAC - Network Access Code number (P25, APCO25). |
E + node - EchoLink node number. |
I + node - IRLP node number. |
A + node - AllStar Link node number. |
Repeater Usage. |
OPEN - unrestricted use by all amateurs. |
CLOSED - restricted use or reserved to members only. |