The information found on this site was prepared by reviewing all of the questions found in the current novice and technician question pools and providing original material to instruct visitors to this site in answering these questions correctly. The author claims no responsibility for similarities in this material to others, since it is very basic in nature and specifically addresses the material found in the question pools provided freely to the public by the Federal Communications Commission and the Volunteer Examiner's Commission.  The radiofrequency safety tables and figures are public domain and are available from the ARRL.

The use of graphics on this website, with exception of those derived in bitmap form, has met the conditional software license agreements for use only on this site as set forth by the respective owners.  Any graphics are considered to be intellectual property and are not freely available for download.  The owners of these properties must be consulted with and permission must be granted before using the material in any form - electronic, hard-copy or otherwise.

Also, as far as this site goes, we have no responibility for the your interpretation of the content or the consequences of your own actions after visiting this site.  This information is FREE.  So even though we think everything (outside of the personal opinions expressed) on this website is accurate, we are not responsible for anything that is not and take on no liability for its contents, or anything else for that matter, including . . .

  • if you only study for an hour and don't pass your test, OR
  • if you get your license, get mad a fellow ham, cuss him on the air, and have your ticket yanked, OR
  • if you have a wreck on the way to sitting for your exam, OR
  • if you encounter eyestrain from staring at this website too long, OR
  • if you have suffered mental anguish from the abundantly inappropriate use of punctuation in the lessons.

I hate to have to spell out the ludicrous, but you are all well aware of the brutally litigious society we live in (even the very phrase sickens me because I have to hear the term just about every day).  Thanks, and happy hamming!


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