Net Rosters and Scripts






Does anyone need to use this frequency before I call the Amateur Radio Emergency Net?



This is _Fred, KO4YOL operating out of _Trenton, FL and I will be your net control this evening.

Today is __________month_________day,_________year.



Amateur Radio Operators often communicate and pass traffic in the event of an emergency. This weekly net session provides you with an opportunity to ensure that your station is in proper working order.

New stations are always welcome. Please check in at the end of the roll call portion of the net.


This is a directed net. Please follow instructions from net control and use your full call sign when checking into the net. Emergencies will be noted by calling Break, Break, Break.


This net has NFTS liaisons ready to pass your traffic using the ARRL radiogram. If you do not know how to format a radiogram we can help.  Do we have any EMERGENCY or priority TRAFFIC?

Do we have any formal written traffic or anyone needing to make an informal contact?

Do we have any Skywarn activity to report?

PLEASE REPORT ANY Skywarn Activity or Damage Reports to the Jax office at 1-800-499-1594 ext 1 or 904-741-4670 ext. 1

As a reminder We will conduct daily nets with-in 3 days of projected impact of tropical storm or hurricane.  

Do we have any Bulletins or Announcements?


We will now start the roll call......Clipboard Mixed with solid fill


This is the roll call as I have it. Are there any stations I did not call, stations running late or any new stations stopping by that would like to check in?

To have your station added to the net roster or if you have information or questions for the Dixie Amateur Radio Klub Emergency Net, please send an E-mail to [email protected]

 The Dixie Amateur Radio Klub Emergency Net meets every Thursday at 7:15pm on 147.390+ (123) Chiefland repeater and 146.520 simplex as alternate frequency.

 Please join us next week for another net meeting. I would like to thank the members that checked in this evening and I would also like to thank The Dixie Amateur Radio Klub,  for the use of the repeater. I am now closing this session of the Gilchrist Area 2 Meter Emergency Net and returning the repeater to normal amateur use.







Does anyone need to use this frequency before I call the Gilchrist County 2-meter ARES Net?

Calling the Gilchrist County 2 Meter Amateur Radio Emergency Net, Calling the Gilchrist County 2 Meter ARES Net. 

This is _Fred, KO4YOL operating out of Trenton, FL and I will be your net control this evening.

Today is __________month_________day,_________year.




Amateur Radio Operators often communicate and pass traffic in the event of an emergency.

This weekly net session provides you with an opportunity to ensure that your station is in proper working order.

New stations are always welcome. Please check in when your county is called.

This is a directed net. Please follow instructions from net control and use your full call sign when checking into the net. Emergencies will be noted by calling Break, Break, Break.


This net has NFTS liaisons ready to pass your traffic using the ARRL radiogram. If you do not know how to format a radiogram we can help.  Do we have any EMERGENCY or priority TRAFFIC?

Do we have any formal written traffic or anyone needing to make an informal contact?

Do we have any Skywarn activity to report?

PLEASE REPORT ANY Skywarn Activity or Damage Reports to the Jax office at 1-800-499-1594 ext 1 or 904-741-4670 ext 1

As a reminder We will conduct daily nets with-in 3 days of projected impact of tropical storm or hurricane.  

Do we have any Bulletins or Announcements?


We will now start with our regular Gilchrist ARES Members then call for new check ins by county.


Clipboard Checked with solid fill



If you have information or questions for the Gilchrist County ARES, please send an E-mail to the Gilchrist County EC at [email protected]

The Gilchrist County 2 Meter ARES Group meets every Thursday at 7:30 pm local time on the Bell repeater frequency of 147.285 and 146.520 simplex as alternate frequency. Please join us again next week for another ARES net meeting.

I would like to thank the members that checked in this evening and Gilchrist County and NF4EC for the use of the repeater. I am now closing this session of the Gilchrist County ARES 2 Meter Group and returning the repeater to normal amateur use.