weatherTAP WSR-88D Technical Information |
Radome Rigid Fiberglass Diameter 39 ft rf loss - two way 0.6 dB at 2800 MHz Pestal Elevation over azimuth Azimuth Elevation Steerability 360 +0.5 to +19.5 Rotational rate - maximum 36 s^-1 36 deg/sec Acceleration 15 s^-2 15 deg/sec^2 Mechanical Limits -1 deg to +60 deg Antenna Parabloid of Revolution Polarization Circular Reflector diameter 28ft Gain (at 2800 MHz) 45 dB Beam Width 1 deg First Sidelobe level -25 dB Transmitter and Receiver Subsystem
Coherent - Chain DesignTransmitter Frequency Range 2700 MHz to 3000 MHz Peak Power 1 Mw Pulse Widths 1.57 microsec to 4.5 microsec rf duty cycle 0.002 maximum PRFs Short pulse: 318 Hz to 1403 Hz Long Pulse: 318 Hz to 452 Hz Receiver Dynamic range 93 dB Noise temperature 450 Kelvin Intermediate frequency 57.6 MHz Band width, 3 dB 0.63 MHz