



Dear Martin County Amateur Radio Operator,



In a recent speech, President Bush talked about expanding the volunteer services in The United States, what better way to do this than to start an amateur radio club in your own community!  Why not use our expertise to help someone in need, whether it is a stranded motorist, relaying information to the National Weather Service during severe weather or providing emergency communications for the public.  



The reason for this letter is to see what if any interest there is in forming such a club in Martin County.  One of the main objectives of this club should be to get a 2-meter repeater on the air and maintain it for all hams in the area to use.  Repeaters can be very costly to maintain and operate so everyone’s cooperation is needed.  



If you are interested in forming a club whether formal or informal please contact me.  I would prefer you contact me via e-mail at [email protected] or by the enclosed post card.  Please no phone calls.


The post card contains some general information and a check box for yes or no.  Please fill it out and mail it whether interested or not.  The post card is already stamped and addressed just drop it in the mail!  If you are web active, I will post this letter at www.qsl.net/n9tkf  click on Martin County Amateur Radio.                                                                                                           



If there is enough interest, I will try to contact you and set up a time for those interested to meet each other and discuss any ideas, comments or suggestions you may have.  If there is little or no interest, I will let the idea drop.  



Your name and call sign was taken from the FCC database.  I apologize for any errors.  If you know of any other amateur radio operator that may be interested that didn’t  receive a letter please make a copy and pass this letter to them.








John Kettinger  N9TKF   

[email protected]