Recent updates

2/24/2004 Added my comments on the Proposed Contest Rules Changes, along with the original proposal.

5/2005 Added my Portable Expedition write-up for the 2005 INQP

6-2-2005 Updated the plans list for the June VHF QSO Party

6-7-2005 Added another big list of plans. The last plans update will likely be on 6-9-2005, so send me your plans and keep checking back:-)

6-8-2005 Yet another plans list update! It's a BIG list now:-) Make sure you are on it! Last update is tomorrow!!

I realize there are a few dupes. Sorry, but it's easier to just go on than to go back and remove them. Just score 'em zero points, hi hi...!


6-10-2005, Just finished the final plans update. Hope everyone enjoys the contest!!


N9RLA /R up high in EM69 1998 ARRL Sep. VHF QSO Party

Welcome to the

Rover Resource Page!

Hello and Welcome again to the "new and improved" N9RLA Rover Resource Page.

My goal for this site is to provide as much usefull information as possible for Rovers, new Rovers, or potential Rovers. What are Rovers you might ask? Chances are that if you are visiting this site, you probably have at least some interest in VHF/UHF Weak Signal mode operating. Rovers are that rare breed of operator that operate mobile to help activate areas that normally aren't very active. Mountain tops are a favorite location, but Rovers have been known to go just about anywhere to activate that rare grid! As you might guess, when you leave the 'beaten path' to activate that mountain top or remote area, you will be faced with much adversity to get a station on the air. Rovers have a knack of being able to face this adversity, put on a competitive station, and have a lot of fun! Hopefully with this page I'll be able to share some information with you to help you meet this adversity and have a good time operating your station, Rover!