CQ    CQ    CQ

XWARN Field Day 2000

Rob Haller N8CI makes a 20 meter satellite contact. Field day visitor Karen Hillstead jumps right in to the answer of CQ CQ CQ and makes a contact.




Dave Crawford K4KWW relaxes early Sunday morning after a hard night of hamming.


Rick Allnutt's wind generator at work on left. Frank Beafore WS8B shows off his Fluke scope meter.


Late Night CW mania hits when Charlie Kotterman KA8OQF taps out Morse code.

Bruce Hess KC8LCO hooks up his J-pole antenna to a packet station as he talks with visitor Jack Kalter.

Rex Lehman WB8TDG prepares his log sheets Sunday morning.


Matt Smith KB8TQA operates on 10 meters. Greg Lee KC8NRH makes a contact on 80 meters as Bruce Marcum KB8AY logs it in at right.

photos by N8YHE