Fox hunting

Fox hunting is probably the most looked forward to event in our group, well it certainly ranks up there with Dayton and Field day.  Our hunts are generally made up of about 5-7 teams on average.  We mostly hunt in 2 or 3 person groups.  Our target  or "Fox" is usually a team hidden within a 5 mile radius of the starting point.  As of last year, we had a new addition to our hidden transmitters.  The FOX BOX.  This is an automated transmitter that is programmed and hidden in advance to the hunt.  Rich, N8GBA and Bruce KG8YT put together the first fox box, and last fall I purchased one and built my own in an attempt to make our fox hunts a little more challenging, and interesting. We have had hunts in multiple stages, which put a twist in things because the first one to find the first fox box wasn't always the first to the fox with the "Refreshments" HI HI.

Pictured from left to right:
Paul KB8VEP, Ryan N8RY, Don KC8PYD, Bruce KC8LKY,
Bruce KG8YT, Rich N8GBA Jon KC8EEE, Ralph N8HXG,    Rod KB8DNS

The upcoming fox hunting season will soon be upon us, and it will be time to get out the tape measure antennas, doppler systems, and the attenuators, and fill up the gas tank with some 97 octane.

Fox in the box images:

Radio Shack HTX-202 and Pic-con Controller in an altoids can.

                                     HTX-202 and pic-con controller, inside ammo can, along with 3.5 AH gel cell.

                                                      Complete package, ready to hide.  The tape with the Frequency is used during multiple stage hunts to inform the hunter what Frequency the next fox is on.  The numbered tags around the rubber duck are for confirmation that the fox was found, and also to place the order of the teams that had found the fox.

The pic con board that makes the whole deal work.  What a masterpiece!!

Foxhunting 2002
(pictures soon!!!)
submit pictures
I now have a collection of pictures, thanks to all that provided pictures,
and please keep submitting them as the season goes on.

Upcoming foxhunt
July 10th:
Blue cross building
7 P.M.
Fox: Foxbox & Pat KC8TII, Bruce KG8YT

The Weekly Fox Reporter
July 3rd:
AL Quall Recreation Area
7 P.M.
Fox: Foxbox and Rod KB8DNS, Eric N8TEV
Winners(Both fox's): Paul KB8VEP & Ryan N8RY

June 27th:
Jacks IGA parking lot
7 P.M.
Fox: Foxbox & Ralph N8HXG, Rich N8GBA
Foxbox- Jeremy KC8PDU, Jon KC8EEE
2nd fox Rich and Ralph Found by Paul KB8VEP & Ryan N8RY

June 20th:
Blue Cross building 7 PM
Fox: Foxbox & Don KC8PYD
Winners: Paul KB8VEP & Ryan N8RY

June 13th:
Fox: Foxbox & Ryan N8RY

    The fox box this week was hid in a brushpile in a recent cutting, just off of old 553 (Marshall Drive). We had a bit of rain right before the hunt started, just enough to cover the sneaky fox's tire tracks. The First to find the box was the team of Rich N8GBA, Ralph N8HXG, and Jeremy KC8PDU. These lucky foxhunters found the box in about 35 minutes.  Coming in a close 2nd was Don KC8PYD (pretty yellow duck) and Bruce KC8LKY. Third went to Bruce KG8YT, and his recently licenced & recently upgraded to general XYL Pat KC8TIJ (Bruce, she's a general now, so your going to have to listen when she tells you that the receiver isnt working HI HI).  And last but not least, Rod KB8DNS and Eric N8TEV, had a bit of trouble finding the foxbox so they couldn't continue to the second fox.  Better luck nextime guys, maybe an active attenuator is on your christmas goodies list from santa!!

The second fox this week was ME!!  I hid on a small two track road, that was next to the wetlands lagoon that is on Iron Pin Trail.  The First to arrive was Rich's team in his nice new white truck.  They made it in about an hour and 10 minutes from the start of the hunt.  Second was Team KG8YT and KC8TIJ. Followed shortly after by Team KC8PYD and KC8LKY. Refreshments and Goodies were consumed and eaten, along with the mosquitos taking a few pints of blood from just about all of us.

June 5th:
Negaunee Twp Hall
Winners: Paul KB8VEP & Ryan N8RY

May 29th:
(Blue cross building)
Winners: Rod KB8DNS & Eric N8TEV