Get your Club Badge

The process is as follows:

1.) Member wants a Club Badge

2.) Member fills out "Membership Request" form and selects the option "____ $20.00 Club Badge created with my Name and Callsign".

3.) Member brings the form and money to the club Treasurer.

4.) The Treasurer completes the "Treasurer's Box" on the form to show that the fee has been paid.

5.) Form (must show paid in Treasurer's Box) is taken by the member to the Club Badge Chair. This completed form now authorizes the Club Badge Chair to order the badge.

6.) Club Badge Chair now orders, receives, and distributes the badge.

7.) Club member proudly displays his/her new badge!


Note: Club Badge Chair: Gregg, N8GEO


Send feedback or bug reports to Marty, K8HVI K8HVI_email.jpg