(Revised 2/9/2000) (Revised 6/12/2003)
Tim Conroy, Digital Operations AEC

A Messaging and Weather Related Warning Software


These instructions assume that the user is familiar with Windows 95, especially the use of a mouse, opening and closing programs, and re-sizing windows. If you are unfamiliar with Windows please see the net control officer for assistance.

Please note: do NOT turn off the TNC's, TNC radios, or power supplies.
Radios used for voice communications should be returned to their SkyWarn frequencies and turned off.
Please, please Exit WinAprs before shutting down console C !!!

All packet software will be automatically loaded when the computers are turned on.

On Computer Console C:

TCP Server Status:


WinAPRS will load automatically when the other consoles are turned on. is up and running on computer console C, WinAPRS may be used on any other console by opening WinAPRS on that console. None of the previous steps are needed. If console A and/or B were turned on prior to turning on console C you may wait a minute or two and it will start working, or close and then re-open WinAPRS on console A and/or B.


The following applies to all consoles except as noted. The main difference between the consoles, is console A uses N8EOC-4, console B uses N8EOC-6, and console C uses N8EOC as their call signs.


At any time in the program you can press the F-1 key and get the help window. This is in Messages.


When the amateur radio operators at the National Weather Service issue weather alerts the affected counties will change color on the white Michigan map. If you are uncertain how to interpret the county color or if you are color blind like I am, you may click Lists on the top menu bar, then Message List, scroll down to the end or near the end of the list, and read the National Weather Service bulletins.


You can click on a location in the map and then cause it to zoom-in or zoom-out. Use page-up and page-down or the '+' and '-' keys. Once you have zoomed in on a map, you can use left, right, up, and down arrows to move around within the map. It does NOT automatically switch to another map when you reach the edge of the current map.

Another way to zoom in is to outline an area on the map by holding the right mouse button down while you are outlining.


Generally, messages should only be sent from console C.

To send a message;

To send a message click Lists, on the top menu bar, then click New Message, type in the call sign in the To: box and the message in the message box, and click Ok. APRS users can send one line messages to other APRS users. These messages are then acknowledged from the other station. The messages can be viewed in the MESSAGE LIST by clicking Lists on the Menu bar, and then click Message List.

Message Received;

Messages to you are red; messages from you start out blue and turn green when they are automatically acknowledged by the receiving station.

Re-queued Messages;

Messages can be re-queued by CLEARING them in the MESSAGE window.

Canceling Messages; They can also be canceled by deleting them.

Deleting Messages;

To DELETE a message, select it and hit DELETE or BACKSPACE.


E-mail messages can only be sent from console C. Before attempting to send E-mail please read the previous section on MESSAGES.

The I-Gate can also forward specialty formatted APRS messages to the Internet as E-Mail.

Send a Message;

To send a message in the To: box type EMAIL (instead of a call sign), in the message box the first part of the message (up to the first space) is the email address, the rest of it is the content:

Example; [email protected] one Line msg. format email from APRS


Of course, for this to work there must be a TCP/IP (Igate) station on frequency. Typing "I" on any map window will display a red circle around all of the IGates. Also, you will know if your email message has been sent if it is acknowledged.


Please do not send bulletins or announcements until you are very familiar with the software. Or, you have been instructed to do so by someone in authority.


Bulletins are SHORT TERM announcements that are TIME critical. Bulletins are sent ONCE EVERY 20 minutes for 4 (FOUR) hours. Then STOP.


Announcements are longer-term items that are NOT time critical. Announcements are sent once an hour and are sent for 4 (FOUR) days, then STOP.

Clearing Messages, Bulletins, and Announcements:

Messages, Bulletins, and Announcements can be re-queued by CLEARING them in the MESSAGE window. They can also be canceled by deleting them.

To DELETE a message;

To DELETE a message, select it and hit DELETE or BACKSPACE.