"How do I get into

Ham Radio?"

( Update 3/28/03)

Consider this.........

If your English teacher told you there was a test next week, and gave you a copy of all the possible questions on the test-with the correct answers, you would pass the test, wouldn't you?

Sure you would!

That is how Simple it is to prepare for your first license. This is a sample page.

Now what could be easier than that? This text is great.

Not only does it give you the answer, but it tells you WHY it is the correct answer.

OK- so--

The FCC issues your license,

and your.....


So where do you get a book to study for the test? The ARRL now has several books to get started. The most popular is "Now You're Talking", And their latest "Tech Q&A" is gaining in popularity.
You can also get help locally from "Elmer". An Elmer is any ham who helps other people get their Ham license. There is probably an Amateur Radio Club near you that has several people who dedicate themselves to being an "Elmer". Many of these clubs also set up test sessions. Check out the "Clubs Links" for one in your area.
So---Now you've got your book, Made a couple of new friends already, and have taken your test and passed it. You've got your license in one hand, but you need a radio in the other. Below are several links to reputable places to buy equipment. Your local "Elmer" can help you select a radio.

So click on these links and get ready for some FUN!!!



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