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copyright © 2004 by H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.

It's not for the reasons you suppose
That I sail the Queen's ships
Toward the edge of the Earth
And my own swift and certain doom,
For silks and spices never did attract me.

It's not for the reasons you might guess
That I go head to head against the dragon.
Armed with just a tarnished sword
And a shield of fading magic,
For no damsel in distress can distract me.

It's not for the reasons that you state
That I pull up broadside to the pirate ship.
For the gold in her hold
Is but scant compensation
For the costs to my crew and myself.

And it's not for the reasons you believe
That I scale the highest peak,
Or swim the deepest sea,
For eternal fame is nothing if not fleeting,
And all fortune is too easily spent.

No, it's not based on reason or on logic,
But rather, because I am a man,
And as such, must strive to make myself
Not merely worthy of your love,
But more important, worthy of myself.

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Copyright © H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.; Maintained by Microcomm
this page last updated 14 June 2007
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