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Evicted from the Garden of Eden
copyright © 1998 by H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.

I was not so much evicted
From the Garden of Eden
As led out unceremoniously,
By the nose.
For it wasn't seeking knowledge
Which led me to the tree
But rather the aroma of the fruit
Which can only be described as, well, fruity.
That aroma proved to be mankind's undoing.
When I'd tasted of this fruit,
The Almighty, as is written,
With a mighty hand and outstretched arm
Afflicted me with allergy of inhalants.
It was the garden's blossoms,
All the flowers, trees, and shrubs,
Not the wrath of the Creator,
Drove me East to live in Nod.
Why else would my descendants
To the thousandth generation
Have environmental illness
Which no medicine can cure?
It seems a fitting punishment
And yet, it's so unfair!
Why make fruit so aromatic
If it's not meant to attract
Creation's crowning glory?
And besides, one never sees
The serpent sneeze.

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Copyright © H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.; Maintained by Microcomm
this page last updated 14 June 2007
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