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copyright © 1993-2004
by H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.

Goddess from the Old

When a scholar from the new world
Meets a goddess from the old,
Both must quickly reevaluate
Their long held preconceptions
Of their places in the universe,
Or miss the opportunity
To grow in new directions
Which neither had expected;
When a scholar from the new world
Meets a goddess from the old.

In his mind, the new world symbolizes
Vigor and vitality,
Ironic since his youth has long since
Faded into memory.
Now the old world touches him
And he feels invigorated.
She rekindles passions
He had thought were gone forever;
When a scholar from the new world
Meets a goddess from the old.

Perhaps she comes to realize
Abilities within herself
That she long took for granted,
When she sees her smile reflected
In the mirror of his gaze.
For the old world is not stagnant,
Merely practiced and experienced,
Her bright light spanning oceans
When a scholar from the new world
Meets a goddess from the old.

He longs to reach across to her,
To bind their worlds together --
If he hesitates, he knows
The opportunity will pass.
At the risk of losing everything
He ever held of value,
He hopefully beseeches her
Accept his invitation,
When a scholar from the new world
Meets a goddess from the old.

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Copyright © H. Paul Shuch, Ph.D.; Maintained by Microcomm
this page last updated 14 June 2007
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