Amateur Radio N6RT


I have been a licensed ham radio operator since 1980 and have been involved with most aspects of the hobby. I went from Novice to Extra class in less than a year at age 14. I primarily operate CW on the HF bands and enjoy chasing DX and operating in contests.  I also operate SSB, RTTY, and satellite.

You may click on any of the picture thumbnails on this page to view a full size picture.

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My Ham Radio Station

HF Yaesu FT1000D, Force-12 C4S @ 32' (on Glen Martin RT-1832 roof tower), Butternut HF2V 40m/80m vertical with elevated radials, 30m dipole, Heathkit SB-220 amplifier
HF (Misc.) HyGain Ham-IV rotator, Vectronics HFT-1500 tuner, Heil Proset-4,  K6STI RITTY software, DX4WIN logging software, NA contest logging software, CT contest logging software
VHF/UHF Kenwood TM-721A, Diamond D-100, AEA PK-232, Astron RS-12A
Satellite Icom IC-251A 2-meter all mode, Cushcraft 20-element Twist 


N6RT QTH  It does not take much to work a lot of DX as you can see from my QTH.

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PJ4B& PJ4/N6RT - Bonaire, November 1999

I was invited to participate at the world famous PJ4B multi-multi contest QTH in Bonaire for the 1999 CQWW CW contest.  Other operators included N6IG, KL2A, K3EST, K9PG, K2SS, N2AA, N2NC, WA3LRO, N3ED, W3UM, K1XX, and N7BG.  Our claimed score was over 53 million points!  My operating outside of the contest was limited to a few hours of testing out the 15m station where I operated during the contest.

Bonaire Photo Album

Lighthouse Beach ResortThe Lighthouse Beach Resort where we stayed in town before and after the contest Shack and 10m/40m antennasView of the shack and the 10m and 40m towers
PJ4B QTHThe view looking north from the shack N6IG, N6RT, and K2SSN6IG, N6RT, and K2SS
N6RT at run stationMe at the 15m run position FlamingoOne of the many pink flamingos on Bonaire
Sunset at PJ4BThe sun setting directly over Curaco (PJ2) PJ4/N6RT QSLThe PJ4/N6RT QSL card

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FG5BG & FG/N6RT - Guadeloupe, October 1998

Myself, Craig N6ED, Larry K6RO, Charlie W6KK, Rick W6SR, and Bill N6RV operated the 1998 CQ WW SSB contest from the DX Shack QTH of JA2EZD and FG5BG.  The shack is located near Roseau beach on the Basse Terre side of Guadeloupe near Capesterre Belle Eau.  Our claimed score was over 13 million points!

Guadeloupe Photo Album

The front of the DX shack.  A long table placed inside along the right wall held three stations. We had to raise a 60' aluminum crankup tower and build a Force12 C4XL antenna.  Unfortunately there was heavy rain all week before the contest.  This shows the deep water and mud we often had to work in.

After a couple days, we finally got the second tower and C4XL up.
This is the 100' tower with Cushcraft A4S on top, 6m beam fixed at the USA at 50', and 80m dipole and 160m inverted-L strung off the top.
A view of both towers taken from down the road.  That 100' tower sure worked great!
View from top of the 100' tower looking towards Europe over the Atlantic ocean.
Me (front) and Charlie W6KK (rear) working CW pileups before the contest. Me tuning around for multipliers during the 1998 CQWW SSB contest.
View of the beach from our hotel in Le Gosier. Georges FG5BG with his daughter.
Picture of the operators (N6RT, W6KK, W6SR, N6ED, K6RO, and N6RV). Our QSL card for this operation.
CQ CertificateThe CQ certificate we received as #1 Multi-Single in North America and #3 World!  

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Search our FG5BG 1998 CQWW SSB Log:

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The other operators logs are here.

FO8DX/FO0BRD - Bora Bora, French Polynesia, October 1997

Myself, Ron N6VO (FO5VO), Mike W6RW (FO0MIT), Charlie W6KK (FO0SPE), John N7CQQ (FO0KEO), and Paul W8AEF (FO0PLA) operated the 1997 CQ WW SSB contest from the private island (Mai Moana) home of our gracious hosts Stan FO5IW and Dominique FO5IZ.  Our claimed score was over 6 million points.

Bora Bora Photo Album

FO8 Gang Part of the team in Tahiti.  (Left to right): Charlie W6KK/FO0SPE, Ron N6VO/FO5VO, John N7CQQ/FO0KEO, and Doug N6RT/FO0BRD.  Not pictured are Mike W6RW/FO0MIT and Paul W8AEF/FO0PLA. Our first view of Mai Moana island after arriving at the Bora Bora airport.
A view of the shack and tower supporting a tribander and WARC beam. Me operating FO8DX during the 1997 CQWW SSB contest.
Post contest party with Stan FO5IW getting me drunk! A beautiful sunset from Bora Bora.
  How's that for a ground plane?!! Our QSL card for this operation.

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Search our FO8DX 1997 CQWW SSB Log:

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V2/NF6H - Antigua, August 1990

Myself and Allen AA6OG had the pleasure of operating from the Sunset Cove beachfront condominiums. Our condo was located about 50 feet from the beach! During seven days of operation, we made about 5000 QSOs using a Kenwood TS-440 and Butternut HF6V vertical.

Antigua Photo Album

Me standing in front of entrance to Sunset Cove Me operating as V2/NF6H.  Notice the casual operating posture!  hihi
A beautiful Antiguan sunset V2/NF6H QSL card

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Contest Operations

Single Operator Contests from W6EEN/NE6N

I was fortunate to be introduced to Don Doughty W6EEN at the 1999 International DX Convention in Fresno, CA.  After being invited to guest operate his station for the 1999 WPX CW contest and turning in an impressive score, his QTH has become my contest home.  Sadly, Don became a silent key on January 16, 2009.  RIP OM.

W6EEN Photo Album

Operating Position A view of the operating position 1999 WPX CW Me in front of the operating position.
W6EEN Antenna FarmThe W6EEN antenna farm 40m and 20m Towers 40m and 20m Towers
15m 6x6 array15m Tower with 6x6 array 10m 6x6x6 and 80m 3ele10m 6x6x6 array and 3 element 80m beam on the same tower.  That crooked 80m director fell off about a year ago and hasn't been fixed.  :(
Log Periodic Log Periodic Tower 40m and 20m TowersA view up the 10m & 80m tower

Radios and Amps
A pair of Kenwood TS-950SD radios and a pair of Alpha 87A amplifiers in SO2R configuration.  I use NA contest software by K8CC.

10m: 6x6x6 at 38', 74', and 110'
15m: 6x6 at 35' and 85'
20m: 6 elements at 115'
40m: Full size 4 elements at 103'
80m: 3 elements at 110' plus two dipoles (two elements fell off)
160m: Vertical "T" at 100'
Log periodic at 60'

My 2004 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
August NAQP CW Contest  - 125,514 points  - 33rd place
CQ WPX CW Contest  (SOABHP) as NE6N - 3,372,835 points - 14th place
ARRL DX CW (SOABHP) - 1,033,230 points - (quit early)
February CW Sprint - 18,921 points  - 4th place
January NAQP SSB Contest  - 381,096 points  - 5th place

My 2003 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
September CW Sprint - 17,950 points  - 10th place
August NAQP SSB Contest  - 185,538 points  - 3rd place
August NAQP CW Contest  - 158,422 points  - 6th place
CQ WPX CW Contest  (SOABHP) as NE6N - 4,387,926 points - 9th place
February CW Sprint - 20,412 points  - 3rd place
January NAQP SSB Contest  - 364,750 points  - 2nd place
January NAQP CW Contest  - 351,050 points  - 5th place

My 2002 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
ARRL 10m Contest (SOHP CW only) - 1,096,988 points - 11th place
CQWW CW (SOABHP) - 1,372,224 points - did not finish
Sweepstakes CW (SOHP) - 215,680 points - 13th place
September CW Sprint - 15,708 points  - 7th place
August NAQP CW Contest  - 186,303 points  - 4th place
ARRL DX CW (SOABHP) - 3,528,360 points - 16th place
February CW Sprint - 18,722 points  - 6th place
January NAQP SSB Contest  - 343,264 points  - 5th place 
January NAQP CW Contest  - 318,600 points  - 5th place   (new W6 record)

My 2001 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
ARRL 10m Contest (SOHP CW only) - 1,302,600 points - 4th place
CQWW CW (SOABHP) - 3,722,598 points - 13th place
Sweepstakes CW (SOHP) - 215,200 points - 10th place
September CW Sprint - 15,165 points  - 15th place
August NAQP SSB Contest  - 233,035 points  - 1st place
August NAQP CW Contest  - 188,922 points  - 2nd place
IARU Contest (SOABHP CW only) - 1,371,876 points - 8th place
CQ WPX CW Contest  (SOABHP) as NE6N - 6,814,530 points - 7th place
CQ WPX SSB Contest  (SOSB10 HP) as NE6N - 3,124,500 points - #2 USA
February CW Sprint - 17,136 points  - 6th place
January NAQP SSB Contest  - 339,357 points  - 5th place
January NAQP CW Contest  - 294,174 points  - 2nd place

My 2000 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
ARRL 10m Contest (SOHP CW only) - 1,069,520 points - 7th place
CQWW CW (SOABHP) - 5,086,298 points - 16th place  (new W6 and Zone 3 record)
Sweepstakes CW (SOHP) - 209,120 points - 11th place
September CW Sprint - 14,344 points  - 16th place
August NAQP SSB Contest  - 269,577 points  - #1 First Place!
August NAQP CW Contest  - 166,632 points  - 5th place
CQ WPX CW Contest  (SOABHP) as NE6N - 5,983,448 points - #3 USA, #9 World
ARRL DX CW (SOABHP) - 3,893,112 points  - 7th place  (new W6 record)
February CW Sprint - 19,227 points  - 4th place (new W6 record)
January NAQP SSB Contest  - 226,122 points  - 15th place
January NAQP CW Contest  - 303,446 points  - #1 First Place!  (new W6 record, second highest score ever!)

My 1999 Claimed Scores from W6EEN
ARRL 10m Contest (SOHP CW only) - 1,115,520 points - 9th place
Sweepstakes CW (SOHP) - 194,340 points - 18th place
September CW Sprint - 15,275 points - 12th place
August NAQP SSB - 156,780 points - 5th place
August NAQP CW - 152,448 points - 6th place
WAE CW (SOABHP) - 540,345 points - #9 USA
August NAQP CW - 152,488 points - 6th place
IARU Contest (SOABHP CW only) - 1,633,480 points - #6 USA, #11 World
WPX CW Contest (SOABHP) as NE6N - 6,874,281 points - #4 USA, #10 World  (new W6 record)

CQ WW DX Contests from W6BA

Myself, N6AW, N6MJ (ex-AD6DO), W6RW, W6KK, K6CU, and others operate from the W6BA multi-multi station in 29 Palms, California.  I'm usually the 20m operator.   Unfortunately W6BA became a silent key in October 1999.

W6BA Photo Album

View of the W6BA Antenna Farm Another view of the W6BA Antenna Farm
Me checking out the 40m station This is an operating achievement award I received from CQ Magazine as the W6BA 20 meter operator for working all 40 zones on both the CW and SSB weekends during the same contest year.
W6BA QSL card  


ARRL DX Contests from XE2EBE

Myself, AA6DP and N6PE operate from Rancho Surdo Mudo in the Guadeloupe Valley, Mexico each February and March for a casual multi-single operation.

ARRL Field Day from AA6DP

Myself, AA6DP, N6PE, W6JI, and AC6H enjoy operating mobile in the 1C class from the Viking, a 45 foot yacht afloat near the Queen Mary in Long Beach harbor.

Field Day Photo Album

The Viking aboard which our operation takes place. This is Island White, an artifical island which is used for oil drilling, which we anchor near.
A beautiful field day sunset looking towards Long Beach. Same sunset, different view

QSL Cards

These are the various QSL card designs I have used over the years.  I designed them all myself and did all of the artwork.  I highly recommend Visual Concepts, otherwise known as VI-CON, for ordering QSL cards. You can reach them at (800) 869-7527.

N6RT #1
N6RT #2
FG5BG & FG/W6xx

FO8DX & FO0xxx





SCDXC Southern California DX Club

SCCC Southern California Contest Club

ARRL Sixth District Incoming QSL Bureau