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1997 1010 Convention Photos
T.R.A.I.N.(Trinity Radio Amateur Intertie Network)
Republic of Texas Chapter of TenTen International
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Contests are FUN
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My Station Overview

I have been interested in Radio and Television for a very long time. I remember that when I was little, I was always fascinated with the radio and TV towers we would pass along the highways. I remember the glow of the red beacon lights at night and thinking how neat it is that there are signals being sent out all over from that tower. I have been interested specifically in ham radio for a while also. My first real experience with ham radio came in 1990 when I went to a Field Day site. I had seen ham shacks and towers before, but never anything like Field Day. Something I will always remember is when one of the operators asked me to sit down and "give out a call". Well, I was nervous, but I knew that this was a chance to actually transmit on the air. I called CQ and someone came back, I was absoutely thrilled! Today, I wish I could remember the call, because the person I spoke with was very patient and helpful. He made me feel comfortable. I completed the QSO and I realized that this is what I had always wanted to be able to do. The hams there that let me talk on the radio gave me more information as how to become a ham. It was because of the innate friendliness, helpfulness, and character of those hams that I knew I wanted to join the fun.

On June 12, 1991, my dad-N5VAU and I went to take our tests to get our license. My dad passed his 20 wpm. CW test and his written General. I passed my 5 wpm. CW and my written Technician. My dad qualified for his General class, and I qualified for my Technician class license. HF was my first love and I wanted access to all the bands so I knew the General Class license was what I really needed. My dad helped me with CW, sending to me, and me sending to him, and I studied for the written test. One week after I qualified for the Technician class, I qualified for the General class. I was really on my way!

The license arrived August 1, 1991 in the mail and I then knew my callsign-N5VAV. I hurried to the HF radio and turned it on. I had thought that it would be easy to simply start talking all over the world. Well, like most new hams, I was wrong,

I couldn't bring myself to actually transmit.

I was pretty nervous actually knowing that anyone in the world would hear me. I finally got up the courage and called CQ on 20m. It is interesting that because of how soon I upgraded, my first contact was as N5VAV/AG.

My first contact was with KB2LOX. He was, like I had imagined, as helpful as all the other hams I had met. We had a good QSO and after about 30 minutes, we signed off.


Since then, I have had many QSO's with hams in all 50 states and in countries all over the world. I received my Amateur Extra License in 1994.

I have always been very interested in weather, so RACES/SKYWARN activities are a favorite of mine.

Things I Like to Do

I like doing a wide variey of things with amateur radio. I have always liked to ragchew with different stations around the world. It is interesting to hear where people live, what the weather is like, find out about their profession, and things they enjoy doing as a ham. I enjoy carrying on an hour QSO when I get a chance and when the propagation will allow.

I enjoy exchanging QSL cards and working for different awards such as the
A.R.R.L. W.A.S. (Worked All States) and DXCC (DX Century Club-for working 100 different countries), Friendship award, and the contests. No, I haven't received my DXCC award yet, but I sure enjoy trying. I like seeing different cards that people have. Some of the most interesting cards are those that hams make themselves. I find that hams are quite proud of their homemade cards and they are quite nice. If you and I ever work on the air, send me a card. I will enjoy it very much and will QSL in return.
I am a member of TEN-TEN INTERNATIONAL and enjoy collecting numbers, the contests, and paper chasing. I currently have close to 50 chapters of 1010. If I work you on 10 meters, send me a list, I can surely use your numbers. I am quite active in my home chapter, the Republic of Texas Chapter. I am currently serving as the contest manager for the chapter. More information about 1010 can be found by clicking on the link to the 1010 homepage, and further information regarding my 1010 contest activity can be found under my "Contests are Fun" area of this page.

Contests are FUN

I like contesting, sometimes known as "Radio Sport" for a variety of reasons.
Primarily, Contests are simply a lot of fun. I enjoy trying to work as many stations as I can during the course of the contest period. I find that I meet a lot of old friends all over the world. A great many hams are usually on the air for the same reason I am; to work a lot of stations. Because of this, It is easy, with good band conditions, to work many states and countries. The majority of my confirmed countries for DXCC came from working contests. In a contest, all stations want to work you for the contact. Therefore, DX stations that under normal circumstances you would have to break a pileup to work, will be striving to work YOU!

I currently contest mostly on 10 meters. I enjoy the challenge that band affords. Like the old Charles Dickens saying, "Sometimes the best of bands, sometimes the worst of bands". Since 1992, I have placed first in the low power, phone only, North Texas Section, category of the ARRL 10 meter contest. I had just over 1300 contacts in the 1992 event.
Another favorite are the 1010 contests. I placed sixth in the world in the 1994 Summer contest. I try to be in the top few of area 5 each contest.

As I say, it is always fun to hear and work old friends across the world, and meet new friends.

Probably my favorite of all contests is Field Day! I just love going to the site, setting up antennas, tents, rigs, generators, etc. It is more than just a contest, it is a chance for hams to get together and have a big time. It is great for families to come out to Field Day and participate in the activites. I enjoy having a new ham, or a prospective ham, come to the an operating table and letting them make a few contacts. After all, that was my first real experience with Amateur Radio. The results are always the same, they are quite excited and want to learn more. I would encourage ALL hams to participate in your local Field Day setup. If there is not currently one scheduled, get one started. You won't be sorry.

Click here for many live Doppler Radars

My favorite Radio/Railroad Frequencies-Framed version of Tex. amateur repeaters, and Railroad frequencies.

U.S. Callsign Lookup Page-A nice callbook for U.S. calls.
Buckmaster DX Callbook -A nice callbook for DX calls.


Latest NEXRAD Image -AWESOME. The Best Radar Image. A MUST!
My new RADAR Page!! - 16 different Radar views from around the U.S.. More to come!
Purdue University -Really nice satellite maps with WX charts imposed over them.
National Severe Storm Laboratory -Glossary of Weather Terms
National Weather Service, Norman, OK. - National Weather Service Site
Weather Underground - Interesting organization, Lots of Weather Information


For more information, click on image.

KXAS-Channel 5 / KXAN-Channel 36 doppler radar
Click on images below to view a larger and automatically refreshing radar view.

Greyline Map and Services Provided by Fourmilab - CHECK THIS OUT!!!


Trinityradio/Signal Hill Radio/W5OYS - W5OYS Website, Home of Trinityradio.
K5MCRWebsite - Good freind, wonderful person, fun page.
N5TDR homepage -Good friend-nice pic's & POWWOW.
KG7FU Website - 1010'er, friend, and neat site.
KC5AEA Website - Good Skywarn and Weather goodies.
K8TBW Website - Nice page. Learn about Ham radio and awards.
AD4C Website - Lots of equipment, technical information,and weather.
KB1AWE Homepage -Nice page, many good links.
KT4RL-Muletown Chapter- Muletown chapter of 1010, fun page.
KB0PUL Homepage -Frequency Database, Amateur Radio History, Links galore.
KA9FOX Homepage -A must for DX'ers and Contesters.
N5XED-Lima Link Site -Nice site, a radio and railroad buddy-part of the Lima link.
WB9AAX Homepage -He likes radio, railroads, and music too!
WR8R Homepage -A really slick looking page, nice photos too.
LA1MG-Norwegian Amateur -Learn some Norwegian and see his family.
N3BUO Website
WA7RHK Ham Organizations -Good resource for ham organizations!
9H1DB Website -A 15 year old ham in Malta! Rare DX via WWW.
IW7CHV Website -A lot of Ham resources and Packet information.
KC5BTI Website - Fort Worth ham with good information and links. Races info too.
DX Hound's World - A DX'ers world. Good Stuff.
KA5VVD Tri-County ARC -South Texas Club, Branding Iron Chapter of 1010.
N0HJQ Page - He and his wife Donna have a lot of interests.
KC7DH Website - Kronderosa Ranch. HUGE site. Beautiful photos.
N2FFL Website -VHF Weak signal page. Another aspect of the hobby!

Repeater Systems

Trinity Radio Amateur Intertie Network -Hey, it has to go here too.
Armadillo Intertie -Large Texas Intertie
Cactus Intertie -Remote Bases in SW U.S.
Colorado Repeater Association
Electronic Applications Radio Service -Indiana
Mid-Oklahoma Repeater Association
N5XED-Lima Link Site -Lima Link, TX
Minuteman Repeater Association - Serves the Boston Area.

The HF Tower. To view larger, labeled photo, click on image.

The VHF/UHF Tower. To view larger, labeled photo, click on image.

Starting Point


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